Transcript talk

Grids 2003
The Great Academia/Industry Grid
Dan Fay | Microsoft Research
Grid, grid, everywhere a Grid
Blocking out the scenery, breaking my mind
Solve this! Don't use that! Can't you use the Grid?
(apologizes to the Five Man Electrical Band)
What is a Grid? “The Grid”?
Everyone has a definition – Grid community, Scientists, Industry,
companies, products & customers
Are Grids only about computations?
What does supporting “the Grid” mean?
What does it mean to be Grid enabled? Ie. Internet enabled
Internet parallels –
captures the imagination, as well as the naming
(ie. internet*****, .com, i****, e****, ****grid, etc)
A lot of interest – a lot of hype
ie. “The Grid will solve it”
Internet –
 Standard protocols
 Easily implemented on any platform
 Wide spread industry support
Web Services are about making the Web/Internet programmable
Grids = “Internet-scale distributed computing” – Jim Gray
Web Services is the way to do Internet-scale distributed computing.
Live examples –
TerraService – over 15 TB of images & data
Turned into a Web Service in 3 days –
SkyServer - Sloan Digital Sky Survey – map a large part of the universe – Federates
Astronomy data from 10 DB’s around the world
Web Services moving forward (beyond SOAP, XML, & HTTP)
Web Services Architecture - Reliable, Secure, & Transacted
Set of specifications (WS-*) from MS, IBM, and others to put more “smarts” at the
application level – transport neutral
GGF9 Discussion around refactoring OGSI on top of Web Service specs
Grids are Web Services
Get standardization and implemented specifications
Develop on top of Web Services Architecture
Leverage industry/commercial tools
Business issues around Grids
Beyond the Technical Issues
Build on "secure, reliable, transacted" Web services architecture
Business Issues - Possible Obstacles to wide spread adoption
Different from Academic & research issues
Business opportunity/justification
Business model
Trust / Privacy
Security / IP
Software licensing
Batch vs real-time
“Can I or am I willing to run mission critical apps on the Grid?”
“Will we allow external code to execute on internal resources?”
Will this limit “Grids” to inside Enterprises & Partner Grids?
Web Services & Grids
Research activities
OGSI on .NET - Univ of Virginia
MS.NETGrid - UK National e-Science Center (EPCC)
G2: A Grid Middleware for Cycle Donation using .NET - QUT