Psychology Webquest

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Transcript Psychology Webquest

Psychology Sleep Quest
Altered States of Consciousness
Web Quest Directions
based on quality of answers and sources;
cite your sources (just copy the web address onto the
 Grading:
slide – no MLA or APA necessary here)
 You can add graphics or pictures if they help your
Circadian Rhythms
 Read/ skim
ody_clock.htm and review one other site as a
source to define and explain circadian rhythms.
 Be sure to tell us cool, need to know, and
interesting facts about circadian rhythms – see
mechanisms of “Body Clock” \
 Use as many slides as it takes!
Sleep Stages
 Use
k.htm and review one other site as a source, then describe
each sleep stage, in respect to what happens to the body,
brain waves, time in the stage, what happens if woken up
in this stage, etc.
 This is good for R.E.M. -
 Use as many slides as needed
One question that I still have about sleep:
Sleep Disorders
 Define symptoms of following
 Sleep apnea
 Insomnia
 Night terrors
 Sleepwalking and/or sleep talking
 Research TWO of the above (What causes it?
What are the effects on the person?
Treatment? Is it harmful?)
 Add slides as needed!
Read this article and write a response giving
your ideas on how dreams affect you.
Your view:
Theories on Dreaming
 Find out about the different theories on why we dream:
 Freud’s Theory of Dreams (latent and manifest content)
 Activation-Synthesis Theory
 Information-Processing Theory
 Here is a good place to start, use one more the help:
The power of hypnosisWatch a video at the bottom of
And read
Answer these questions:
Do you think that hypnosis works?
Would you seek this therapy for yourself?
Theories of Hypnosis
 Find information about the three theories on hypnosis:
 Role Theory
 State Theory
 Dissociation Theory
(work through the arrows!)
What is biofeedback?
What type of conditions can be treated with biofeedback?
(provide 5)