Transcript HTML Frames

CIS 451: HTML Frames
Adapted from materials
developed by Dr. Soe
(updated January, 2009)
Frames put HTML files into a table format
Frames use 2 types of documents:
Content Documents
Frames Document
text, pictures, hyperlinks, photos, etc.
Defines layout in columns or rows
 or columns within rows or rows within
Provides scroll bars
Link in one frame can load HTML doc in
another frame
<Frameset> Tag
Required for Frames-style pages
Replaces <BODY> tag completely
<FRAMESET> tag has 3 types of attributes-numerical values: size in pixels,% and/or *:
or COLS="25%, 75%">
3 Column Frame
<TITLE>3 column frames</TITLE>
</HEAD> <!- note: Don't use BODY tag ->
<FRAMESET COLS = "50, 25%, 25%">
<FRAME SRC = "doc1a.htm" name="left">
<FRAME SRC = "doc2.htm" name="middle">
<FRAME SRC = "doc3.htm" name="right">
2 Row Frame
<FRAMESET ROWS = "50%, 50%">
<FRAME SRC = "doc1a.htm" name="top">
<FRAME SRC = "doc1b.htm" name="lower">
Nested Frames
<FRAMESET COLS = "40, 60%, 100%"><!- total !=100 ->
<FRAMESET rows = "*, *" BORDER=1
<FRAME SRC = "doc1a.htm">
<FRAME SRC = "doc1b.htm">
<FRAME SRC = "doc2.htm">
Frame Interaction
Hyperlink in 1 frame changes contents
of another named (target) frame
Assign meaningful names to frames (NAME
= "menu", "right", or etc.)
Click <A HREF = "dbreport.html" TARGET
= "right">Database Reports</A> to see
the linked page in the right frame
TARGET Attribute
Tells browser frame into which requested
document is displayed
Name of target frame (e.g., "menu")
Special ("magic") targets:
Whole window
"_blank" New (unnamed) window
Frame containing hyperlink
(if no target, defaults to _self)
Lots of People Hate Frames
I Hate Frames Page
Why Frames Suck (Most of the Time) (Jacob
Nielsen is a "big name" in the usability field)
another I Hate Frames Page
Frames Exercise
click hotlink in IE , then View Source
click in left frame , then View Source
save file on Desktop or floppy
save file on Desktop or floppy
change links to Internet web pages
use full address so href="http:// [etc.]"
Frames Exercises - 2
try to verify the problems identified in
Why Frames Suck (Most of the Time)
try to create a web page with at least
10 separate frames
link external web sites as <FRAME SRC =
for the individual frames
Frames Exercises - 3
try to validate a frames web page at
W3C validater
use the Validate by Input version and fix
code in the textarea control