Transcript Slide 1

Safety on the Internet
MSTI 131
Kelsey Chappell Corinne Thompson
Keith Libolt Amanda Lax Sao Ching
The Web @ Home
• What's the advantages of the Web?
You don’t have to go to the library.
You can add favorite sources in easily organized favorites folder.
You can use “easybib” to make work cited pages easy!
You can contacted your teacher with questions any time.
You can link videos to make project/lesson plans more appealing.
You have unlimited access to information from other people’s research
(including colleges from around the world).
– As a teacher you can post your notes for sick students, or in case a
student missed something.
– You can also have students submit work from home if they are sick or
out of convenience.
Concerns When Using the Internet
at Home and School
•Students can pull up inappropriate information.
•Could get involved with online chat rooms.
•Illegal internet use
•Downloading movies and music
•Web Cams
•Talking to a stranger
•Online Predators
What Parents Can Do to Keep the Internet
• Know what social networks
are available
• Talk to your children
about the dangers and
benefits of using the internet
• Be involved with
what your children do online
• Take classes so that
you are aware of how to use
the internet
• Come up with rules with your
children in what they can and
can not do online
• Encourage your children to let you
know if they see anything
inappropriateCreate a good communication
foundation with your children
What Educators Can Do To Help
• Clearly outline
expectations for internet
usage including
consequences for not
following the rules
• Don’t let kids search
– Create a list of websites that
would have appropriate and
relevant information for
What Educators Can Do To Help
• Make students aware of the
dangers that are on the
• Be focused on the
Educational Purpose of the
– The internet is a resource to
support education and enrich
What Educators Can Do To Help
• If a student accidentally
goes onto an
inappropriate website,
tell them to report it
• Make sure they know
that plagiarism is not
acceptable and there are
ways to tell if something
has been plagiarized.
Websites to Keep The Kids Safe
Web wise kids informs parents on issues such as social networking, personal websites, the world
wide web, instant messaging, chat rooms, email, cell phone dangers, and emergency
This website is for kids to learn how beneficial the internet can be and how to use it properly.
This website addresses parents to understand the dangers of the internet. It also mentions the
illegal uses of the internet and how to avoid them.