Sustainable Agriculture

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Transcript Sustainable Agriculture

Eric Angat
Agriculture is the art of cultivating
soil, raising livestock and producing
crops. It is also called farming or
husbandry. The products of
agriculture are fruits, vegetables and
livestock. In other words, agriculture
is the source of the food that we eat.
can be attained by
providing for our
needs and at the
same time protecting
the environment so
that it can be utilized
Does not degrade the environment!
Higher Populations means MORE demands
to the environment.
An aerial view of a farm north of Council Bluffs,
Iowa, submerged in Missouri River flood waters
June 24, 2011. The Missouri River, swollen by
heavy rains and melting snow, has been flooding
areas from Montana through Missouri.
Photograph: © Lane Hickenbottom /Reuters
Soil moisture/water is
insufficient to grow
Irrigation is the
process by which
water is brought to
farms or dry land
through artificial
means, such as
pipes, hoses or
Answer the following Questions
1. What is happening to the world’s population
and how are we affected?
2. Why is it essential that our agriculture
become sustainable?
3. What does it mean by sustainable
4. How do we attain sustainable agriculture?
5. How are farmers affected by drought? What
is being done about it?
Each cell in the human body contains
about 25,000 to 35,000 genes. Genes
carry the information that determines
your traits, which are features or
characteristics that are passed on to you
— or inherited — from your parents.
Answer the following Questions
1. What is happening to the world’s population
and how are we affected?
2. Why is it essential that our agriculture
become sustainable?
3. What does it mean by sustainable
4. How do we attain sustainable agriculture?
5. How are farmers affected by drought? What
is being done about it?
Answer the following Questions
1. What is happening to the world’s population
and how are we affected?
The world’s population is growing at a rapid rate.
2. Why is it essential that our agriculture become
So that we can get a lot more from our land with lower
ecological footprint.
3. What does it mean by sustainable agriculture?
The production of food without harming the
Answer the following Questions
4. How do we attain sustainable agriculture?
Using biotechnology, no till farming techniques, use of
bio-fuels. Also, by preventing topsoil erosion.
5.How are farmers affected by drought? What is
being done about it?
Farmers are faced with harvests that are too small to
both feed their families and fulfill their other
Advancement of irrigation techniques, genetically
modifying plants that are less dependent on water.
Answer the following questions
6. Why are we facing so many health problems?
7. How are we and the environment affected by man
made chemicals?
8. How did we go from a healthy to a sick nation?
9. What are chemical fertilizers?
10. Why are earthworms and other certain organisms like
spiders important to soil fertility and healthy plants.
11. What are GMOs or genetically modified organisms or
12. How are farmers and consumers affected by chemical
fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modified crops?
Answer the following questions
6. Why are we facing so many health problems?
We use a lot of man made chemicals.
7. How are we and the environment affected by
man made chemicals?
Chemicals kill friendly organisms and percolate into
groundwater, GMO cross pollinate non GMO plants.
8. How did we go from a healthy to a sick nation?
Because we are using a lot of chemical fertilizers,
pesticides, and genetically modified crops.
Answer the following questions
9. What are chemical fertilizers?
They are man made chemicals used to make plants
grow faster.
10. Why are earthworms and other certain
organisms like spiders important to soil
fertility and healthy plants. Think!
Certain insects like spiders feed on pest. Earthworms
make the soil fertile.
Answer the following questions
11. What are GMOs or genetically modified
organisms or crops?
Taking a gene from another organisms and
incorporating it to plants.
12. How are farmers and consumers affected by
chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and
genetically modified crops?
Farmers are buried in debts. We get sick from eating
food filled with unhealthy chemicals.
Answer the following questions
13.What are Mandy and Fanny? I know
they are corn and cotton so do not
mention this anymore.
14. How were Mandy and Fanny created?
15.Why were they created?
16. What is a gene and why did they insert
an extra gene to Mandy and Fanny?
Answer the following questions
13.What are Mandy and Fanny? I know they are
corn and cotton so do not mention this
are genetically modified organisms.
14. How were Mandy and Fanny created?
They were created by genetic engineering.
15. Why were they created?
So that they can be protected from pests.
16. What is a gene and why did they insert an extra
gene to Mandy and Fanny?
Gene is the basic unit of heredity. To help farmers
generate more income. Farmer do not have to buy
Answer the following Questions
17. What are genetically engineered crops and
18. What are the possible consequences of
genetically modified crops and animals?
19. Why are pesticides a great concern for
farmers and consumers? Think!
20. What is a monoculture? Think!
21. Would you eat a genetically modified plant
or animal or products?
Answer the following Questions
17. What are genetically engineered crops and
They are crops that received extra gene.
18. What are the possible consequences of genetically
modified crops and animals?
They can render the natural variety of crops become
19. Why are pesticides a great concern for farmers and
consumers? Think!
They are expensive, they kill the soil, they cause
Monoculture farming is an agricultural method that involves
planting one species of crop on the same piece of land
repeatedly. Due to its implementation, farmers can yield large
harvests with minimum utilization of resources.
Pests do not
reproduce well
in polyculture
because food is
not readily
Pests love it
when food is all
around. They
Answer the following Questions
20. What is a monoculture? Think!
Monoculture is the cultivation of a single crop in a
large given area. This becomes a haven for pests.
21. Would you eat a genetically modified plant
or animal or products?
Do we have a choice? Depends on your perspective…
The Dust Bowl, also known as the Dirty
Thirties, was a period of severe dust storms
that greatly damaged the ecology and
agriculture of the US and Canadian prairies
during the 1930s; severe drought and a failure
to take care of the topsoil resulted to the dust
Sugarcane plantation
The best alternative to monocultures is crop rotation. This
is when farmers grow a range of different crops and change
what they grow in each field every year.
monoculture Crop rotation
Crop rotation
Answer the following questions
22. Can you grow plants without soil?
23. What is hydroponics?
24. What do you need to create a
25 How do we benefit from hydroponics?
Answer the following questions
22. Can you grow plants without soil? How?
Yes, through hydroponics.
23. What is hydroponics?
the process of growing plants without soil.
24. What do you need to create a hydroponics?
Water and plant nutrients, water tank, submersible pump,
grow lights
25 How do we benefit from hydroponics? Think!
We can produce more food with less land at any season.
Hydroponics is the
practice of growing
plants without soil.
Most commonly,
cultivates plants in
nutrient-rich water
26. What is a real sustainable
Is it traditional agriculture which
uses natural methods on farming and
organic fertilizer or conventional
agriculture using man-made fertilizer
and genetically modified crops and