AP Eng Lang & Comp Week 1 Lesson 1

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Transcript AP Eng Lang & Comp Week 1 Lesson 1

Language Arts Grade 11
Week 23 Lesson 1 & 2
Standard E1a: READING: Word Recognition, Fluency, and Vocabulary
Development - Word Recognition involves the understanding of the basic
features of words: word parts, patterns, relationships, and origins.
Standard E2a: WRITING: Process - The writing process includes prewriting, drafting,
editing, and revising. Students progress through these stages to write clear,
coherent, and focused paragraphs and essays.
1. Take notes on Combining Sentences
2. Complete the S.A.T. Worksheets WP 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D,
3E on Combining Sentences
1. Finish any previously assigned class
Observation, Oral responses, Written Responses
When possible, combine two or more sentences
into a single, effective, well-written sentence.
We may do this when sentences are closely related
in meaning and belong together, and because it is
boring to read a series of short sentences that
have a similar structure. When we talk about
combining sentences, we will often use the
following five ways:
Punctuation Coordination Subordination
Reduction Apposition
Sentences can also be combined by using special punctuation
marks. We know that a period [ . ] question mark [ ? ] and
exclamation point [ ! ] are used at the end of a sentence, so they
cannot be used for combining sentences. We also know that a
comma [ , ] is not strong enough to connect 2 sentences. (If you
use a comma to try to connect 2 sentences without a
coordinating conjunction you will have a type of run-on
sentence called a comma splice, which is not acceptable.)
• So what kinds of punctuation marks can be used to connect
sentences? There are 2 punctuation marks that are stronger
than a comma but weaker than a period, question mark, or
exclamation point. These are the colon [ : ] and semi-colon [ ; ].
Punctuation: Commas in Listing
Combine some sentences by eliminating some repetitive words
and by listing modifiers, nouns and verbs separated by
Ex. John ate the apple. John ate the pear. John ate the orange.
John ate the apple, pear and orange.
Ex. Mary ran to the store. Mary skipped to the store. Mary
hopped to the store.
Mary ran, skipped and hopped to the store.
Ex. The car is new. The car is red. The car is fast.
The new, red car is fast.
• A colon is also used to add more information and
especially to give examples of something in the
sentence. What follows a colon may be a clause or
a group of words that cannot stand by themselves.
Ex. He is a great athlete: he plays soccer, baseball
and basketball.
Ex. He plays many sports: soccer, baseball and
Punctuation: Semi-colon
• A semi-colon is used to connect clauses and is the most
important punctuation mark for combining sentences. It
can be used alone to connect clauses.
Ex. He's not heavy; he's my brother.
It can also be used to connect clauses together with special
linking words such as however, moreover, and therefore
which grammar books call conjunctive adverbs.
Ex. I think; therefore, I am.
(Remember, it is the semi-colon and not the conjunctive
adverb that connects the clauses.)
Coordination is a way of adding sentences together. In this type of
sentence (grammar books call it a compound sentence) the 2 or
more sentences (clauses) which are combined are equal partners.
One clause is not more important than the other grammatically.
Words that connect clauses in this way are called coordinating
conjunctions and the most common ones are: and, or, but, so.
• and •
is used to join clauses that contain additional information
Ex. I bought a ticket, and I got on the bus.
or - is used to join clauses that contain choices or alternatives
Ex. Write me a letter, or send an e-mail message.
but - is used to join clauses that contain opposing ideas
Ex. I arrived early, but no one was there.
So - is used to join clauses that contain ideas of cause and effect
Ex. The jacket didn't fit, so I took it back to the store.
• Subordination is a way of combining sentences that makes one sentence
more important than the other. One or more of the sentences being
combined is reduced from an independent clause to a dependent clause by
adding such words as when, although, if (called subordinating conjunctions)
or such words as who, what, that (called relative pronouns).
Depending on its function, a subordinate clause can be classified as a:
Noun clause -- a subordinate clause used like a noun (it can be a subject or
Ex. I don't know what you are talking about.
Adjective clause a subordinate clause that modifies or gives information about
a noun
Ex. I read the letter that was on your desk.
Adverb clause a subordinate clause that functions like an adverb
Ex. I will call you after I get back from the movie.
• We can go one step beyond reducing one of the sentences to a subordinate
clause. We can reduce it to a phrase (a group of words without both a subject
and verb).
Participial phrase
Ex. The boy was scared by the movie. The boy began to cry.
The boy, scared by the movie, began to cry.
Gerund phrase
Ex. He studied for the test. He felt confident.
Studying for the test increased his confidence.
Infinitive phrase
Ex. She saw the movie star in the restaurant. She was excited.
She was excited to see the movie star in the restaurant.
Prepositional phrase
Ex. There was a story in the newspaper. The story was interesting.
The story in the newspaper was interesting.
In apposition, we take a word or phrase and place it
in a parallel position to a noun in the sentence. An
appositive is surrounded by commas.
Sara was the most serious student in the class.
Sara always did her homework.
Sara, the most serious student in the class,
always did her homework.
Writing Practice Exercises
• WP 3A - Write 10 sentences combining sentences
using commas in listing.
• WP 3B Write 10 sentences combining sentences using
semi-colons and colons ( 5 each.)
• WP 3C Write 10 sentences combining sentences
subordination (5 for each kind of subordination.)
• WP 3D Write 10 sentences combining sentences using
reduction (2 for each kind of phrase.)
• WP 3 E Write 10 sentences combining sentences using
Note: First write the separate sentences (at least 3.)
Then, write the combined final sentence. Each final,
combined sentence must contain a minimum of 12