Transcript Slide 1

Principle Investigators:
David Neale
Jennifer Lee
Jill Wegrzyn
Dana Nelson
Brad St. Clair
Tom Byram
Dudley Huber
David Harry
Glenn Howe
Jeff Dean
Steve McKeand
Nick Wheeler
The goal of the Conifer Translational Genomics Network (CTGN) project is to provide tree breeders
across the United States with new tools to enhance and accelerate traditional tree improvement
activities. These “knowledge-based” tools derive value from experimentally demonstrated associations
between traits of interest, like wood density or disease resistance, and the tree’s genetic code (genetic
markers). By adding genetic markers to their tool-chest, breeders will be able to select superior trees
more accurately, more rapidly, and at lower cost than using traditional approaches alone. These
enhanced approaches will permit greater utilization of the abundant genetic variation inherent in tree
populations while simultaneously avoiding controversy associated with other technologies such as
genetic engineering. It is anticipated that within five years cooperatives producing virtually all of the
conifer seedlings in the United States (>1.3 billion annually) might benefit from this technology
improvement. Methods for implementing the technology in applied tree breeding programs will be
thoroughly reviewed and economically evaluated; results of these studies will be delivered directly to
tree breeders managing the major tree improvement cooperatives around the country. In addition to
validating new genomics-based tools, the project will undertake an assertive and comprehensive
education and extension program that will provide 1) a graduate-level curriculum for teaching molecular
tool-based breeding in trees, and 2) widespread training for undergraduate and graduate students, tree
breeders, managers, lay-people and other stakeholders through a
series of workshops, internships and classes. The CTGN will
draw from or deliver to virtually all conifer genomics
• Identify SNPs in 60 candidate genes
• Identify associations with wood quality,
scientists and tree breeders in the United States.
disease and drought phenotypes.
• Identify SNPs in 8,000 amplicons
• Genotype and Phenotype three
association populations.
• Develop further the bioinformatic, genomic
and database resources for a Pinaceae
comparative genomics infrastructure.
•Understand the evolution of genetic diversity
within and between species using the family
Pinaceae as a model plant taxa.
• International collaboration to develop,
map, and freely distribute a framework set
of orthologous genetic markers
• Generate important molecular and
cytogenetic resources for pine
• Utilize these resources to provide
insight into the structure and evolution
of the loblolly pine genome
• Use a population genomic
approach called association
mapping to identify the
specific genes (i.e. loci and
alleles) that are responsible
for phenotypic differences in
adaptive traits of Douglas-fir.
Objective 1.0: Validate SNP
by quantitative trait associations
discovered under prior USDA and
NSF funding in operational tree
Objective 3.0: Develop
improvement populations.
Objective 2.0: Develop and
databases (TreeGenes) and
economically evaluate new
methods incorporating marker – Objective 4.0. Develop web-based tools (Dendrome)
to facilitate all aspects of
assisted selection into conifer
an international genetic
the CTGN.
tree breeding programs.
stock center for conifers.
Objective 6.0. Develop an
extension plan for continuing
education in genomics-based
breeding for practicing tree
breeders and forest tree gene
resource managers
Objective 5.0. Develop an
education plan for undergraduate
and graduate curriculum
development in genomicsbased breeding in forest trees
CTGN evolved out of a
collection of related
collaborative projects