Diapositiva 1

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Transcript Diapositiva 1

Famous Scientists and
Their Contributions
Gregor Mendel
Gregor Mendel
•Priest (Monk)
•Birth 1822-Death 1884
•Teacher (Math and Biology)
•Founder of 3 Mendel’s Laws. 1) Law of Dominance 2) Law of
Segregation 3) Law of Independent Assortment. These rules
determine how traits are passed through generations of living.
•His discoveries became the basis for the study of modern genetics.
•He realized that traits could skip a generation – seemingly lost traits
could appear again in another generation – he called these recessive
•He was known as the Father of Genetics
•Gregor Mendel – Mini Biography
Robert Hooke
Robert Hooke
•Lived during the 17th Century.
•Lived during the same time as Sir Isaac Newton.
•Invented Universal Joint, Iris Diaphragm, and the Respirator.
•Birth1635-Death 1703.
•Devised the Compound Microscope.
•Hooke coined the term “cells” from cork tissue.
•Wrote a book called Micrographia.
•He was the first person to examine fossils with a microscope.
•He ignited the spark of the Cell Theory, which sates all living things are
made of cells.
•Robert Hooke – Cell Theory
Universal Joint
Iris Diaphragm
Thomas Hunt Morgan
Thomas Hunt Morgan
•He was American.
•Birth 1866- Death 1945.
•He was a Biologist, Geneticist and an Embryologist.
•He won the Nobel Peace Prize in medicine in 1933 for establishing
the chromosomal theory of inheritance, which states that genes
are located on the chromosomes.
•He experimented with Fruit Flies.
•Mendel’s research was important to his studies.
•His experiments backed Mendel’s concept that chromosomes carry
the traits from parents to offspring – better known as Sex-Linked
•Thomas Hunt Morgan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cL2ZTnOHp38
Watson and Crick
Watson and Crick
•James D. Watson is an American Molecular Biologist.
•Watson Birth-1928, He is still living, He is 87 years old.
•Francis Crick was a British Molecular Biologist.
•Crick Birth 1916- Death – 2004.
•They partnered together in the 1950’s to find the structure of
•The made a 3D model of DNA using beads, wire and
•They together won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1962 for the
famous discovery of the DNA Double Helix (which looks like a
double staircase.)
•Rosalind Elsie Franklin actually found it first, but did not
realize it.
•Watson & Crick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VegLVn_1oCE
Watson and Crick
DNA Double Helix
•English Chemist
•Born – 1920 – Death 1958
•Famous for “Photo 51” this was a photo taken using Xray
defraction the structure of DNA.
•First person to discover DNA Double Helix, but died before
she was credited.
•Rosalind Franklin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiME-W58KpU