We`re a book! - Christ`s Church in Rock Springs, Wyoming

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Survival of the Fittest
Recommended Reading
 Genetic
Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome
(J. Sanford, PhD)
 Darwin’s
 In
Black Box (M.J. Behe, PhD)
the Beginning was Information (Werner Gitt, PhD)
 Reasonable
 God
Faith (W.L. Craig, PhD)
and Stephen Hawking: Whose Design Is It
Anyway? (J. Lennox, PhD)
Drake Equation
 The
Drake equation is a probabilistic
argument used to arrive at an estimate of the
number of active, communicative
extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way
 The
equation was written in 1961 by Frank
 Est
20 to 100,000,000 civs
Fermi Paradox
Even sub-light speed, plenty of
But no record of any other
Zero communication at all
"The law of biogenesis...is the observation that
living things come only from other living things, by
reproduction (e.g. a spider lays eggs, which
develop into spiders). That is, life does not arise
from non-living material, which was the position
held by spontaneous generation." (Wikipedia.)
Did the Bible support this spontaneous generation
of, say, maggots from rotting meat, as the Greeks
 Thousands
of years before the law of biogenesis
(1800s), the Bible ruled out spontaneous generation,
saying, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants
yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is
their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.”
And it was so. The earth brought forth vegetation,
plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and
trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each
according to its kind." (Gen 1:11-12) This is biogenesis.
 The
website "Ask the Atheist," states that it's impossible
to show that spontaneous generation ISN'T itself a
possibility. The website then states, "Abiogenesis, (life
from non-life, ~Luke) while unlikely in any single
moment and circumstance, is not so unlikely that it
can’t have happened naturally at all, so a god isn’t
needed there either. Better keep looking for a spot to
force one in."
But why?
One Of A Kind
The chances that anyone has ever shuffled a pack of cards in the
same way twice in the history of the world are infinitesimally small,
statistically speaking. The number of possible permutations of 52
cards is ‘52 factorial’ otherwise known as 52! or 52 shriek. This is 52
times 51 times 50 . . . all the way down to one. Here's what that looks
like: 80,658,175,170,943,878,571,660,636,856,403,766,
To give you an idea of how many that is, here is how long it would
take to go through every possible permutation of cards.
If every star in our galaxy had a trillion planets, each with a trillion
people living on them, and each of these people has a trillion
packs of cards and somehow they manage to make unique shuffles
1,000 times per second, and they'd been doing that since the Big
Bang, they'd only just now be starting to repeat shuffles.
chance of randomly assembling a
protein only 100 amino acids long is around
1 in 10^130. Since they'd all need to be Lform and linked by peptide bonds, the
chance is around 1 in 10^190. 1 in 10^150 is
the limit of random chance in the lifetime of
the entire universe, as it exceeds our
available probabilistic resources.*
Merely to form a building block of life (much less a typical
biological protein, and much less a single-celled form of life
with MANY proteins, and much, much less in an environment
that might kill it off instantly) has a probability of 1 in
*Dr. JC, Sanford, "Genetic Entropy." Dr. Sauer, "Functionally
Acceptable Solutions in Two Alpha-Helical Regions of Lambda
Repressor. Dr. D. Axe, "Biological Function Places
Unexpectedly Tight Constraints on Protein Sequences."
 Why
does the history of life appear the way it does?
 Naturalists, materialists, deists, and most theistic
evolutionists would answer that the chemicals on
early Earth spontaneously self-assembled into a
simple cell that was able to reproduce. From there,
the cell's daughters evolved to produce all the lifeforms that have ever existed throughout the past 3.8
billion years.
 Such a history requires that life make at least 16
transitional steps in order to generate advanced lifeforms.
Cells containing only a few hundred gene products must transition to cells containing several thousand
gene products.
Respiration systems must transition from anaerobic to aerobic.
Cells must develop nuclei.
Cells must develop mitochondria.
Cells must transition from free-floating to colony life.
Single-celled organisms must transition into multicellular organisms.
Asexual organisms must transition into sexual organisms.
Organisms must develop eyes or eye precursors.
Organisms must evolve differentiated organs and appendages.
Organisms with ectoskeletons must evolve into organisms with endoskeletons.
Very-small-bodied organisms must become large-bodied organisms
Non-animal life must transition into animal life
Non-vascular plants must transition into vascular plants
Non-chordate animals must evolve into chordate animals
Animals must develop a mind, free will, and emotions.
Advanced animals must develop a spirit, symbolic cognition, and symbolic relational capability—in
other words, they must become human.
Physicists John Barrow, Brandon Carter, and Frank Tipler
calculated the probability of all 16 steps occurring to be
less than one chance in 1024,000,000
Remember, here is one chance in 10190
1 in
Francisco Ayala quoted by Frank J. Tipler in "Intelligent Life in Cosmology," International Journal of Astrobiology 2 (April
2003): 142. Brandon Carter and W. H. McCrea, "The Anthropic Principle and Its Implications for Biological Evolution [and
Another problem
However, ignoring all such problems, and many others that could
be detailed, what is the probability of getting just 100 amino acids
lined up in a functional manner?
Since there are 20 different amino acids involved, it is (1/20)100,
which is 10130. To try to get this in perspective, there are about
1080 fundamental particles (electrons, etc) in the universe.
If every one of those particles were an experiment at getting the
right sequence with all the correct amino acids present, every
microsecond of 15 billion years, that amounts to 4.7 x
10103 experiments. We are still 1027 experiments short of getting an
even chance of it happening.
It’s actually far worse than this. More than the 20 amino
acids found in living things have been produced in ‘origin
of life’ experiments. It is impossible without enzymes to
produce them with the correct chirality—there are left
and right-handed forms of amino acids and only lefthanded forms are used in living things. T
he non-enzymic processes available in the pre-biotic soup
(only living cells produce enzymes) could only produce
equal quantities of both types. In other words there could
have been more than 50 amino acids to choose the 20
from. This makes the probability (1/50)100 or 10170! (if we
made every elementary particle in our universe another
universe the same as this one, we would have
10160 elementary particles … etc.)
Dr. Aw Swee-Eng (M.B., B.S., Ph.D.(Lond.), FRC Path., MI Biol.
(Lond.), Nuclear Medicine is absolutely correct about the
necessity of the cell (“The Origin of Life: a critique of current
scientific models”).
Without the cellular environment, spontaneous chemical
reactions would destroy proteins quicker than they could form.
One of the assumptions under-pinning the origin of life scenarios is
the absence of oxygen on the early earth, but such an absence
of oxygen would also mean an absence of ozone and so UV
radiation would destroy complex chemicals such as proteins or
nucleic acids (DNA/RNA).
Cells have all sorts of mechanisms for protecting the cellular
machinery (enzymes, membranes, DNA, RNA, etc.) from
oxidative processes. Without these mechanisms, it is impossible to
conceive how ‘life’ could form itself.
By the way, it is impossible that the earth could have been
devoid of oxygen for very long (assuming that it could have
been at all!) because UV penetrating to the earth in the
absence of an ozone layer would split water molecules to
produce oxygen.
There is no evidence that the earth was ever free of oxygen,
and so even the abiotic origin of the amino acids,
nucleotides and sugars is impossible.
DNA needs certain proteins in
order to replicate. Proteins need
DNA to form.
So which came first?
primary axiom: random
mutations plus natural selection.
Newsflash - The genome is an
instruction manual.
The genome* is the instruction manual which specifies
life. The human genome is the instruction manual which
specifies human cells to be human cells, and specifies
the human body to be the human body. There is no
information system designed by man that can even
begin to compare to it.
The complex nature of the genome can only be
appreciated when we begin to grasp how much
information it contains.
* An organism's genome is the sum total of all its genetic
parts, including all its chromosomes, genes, and
Newsflash – It’s HUGE!
When you assemble the little red wagon for your child on
Christmas Eve, there is a booklet that tells you how to put it
together. The size of the booklet is deceptive - it does not
contain all the information needed for fabricating the
component parts, nor manufacturing the steel, rubber, and
The complete instruction manual would actually be a very
substantial volume. If you compiled all the instruction
manuals associated with creating a modern automobile, it
would comprise a substantial library. That library would be
very large if it included the information needed for making
all the components, as well as all the information needed
for the robotic assembly lines.
Newsflash – It’s HUGE!
The manuals for the entire process, from raw ore extraction
to computers and assembly lines, for creating a jet
fighter….would be huge.
The manuals for everything that goes into making a space
shuttle would be truly enormous!
Yet the specified complexity of (even the simplest form of
life - a bacterium - is arguably as great as that of the space
shuttle. Now in this light - try to absorb the fact that the
jump in complexity from a bacterium up to a human being
is arguably as great as the jump from the little red wagon
up to the space shuttle! There is simply no human
technology that can even begin to serve as an adequate
analogy for the complexity of a human life. Yet the
genome is the instruction manual encoding all that
information - as needed for life!
We’re a book!
We have thus far only discovered the first dimension of this "book
of life" — which is a linear sequence of 4 types of extremely small
molecules, called nucleotides.
These small molecules make up the individual "steps" of the spiralstaircase structure of DNA.
These molecules are the letters of the genetic code, and are
shown symbolically as A, T, C, and G. These letters are strung
together like a linear text.
They are not just symbolically shown as letters, they are very
literally the letters of our instruction manual. Small clusters or
motifs of these four molecular letters make up the words of our
manual, which combine to form genes (the chapters of our
manual), which combine to form chromosomes (the volumes of
our manual), which combine to form the whole genome (the
entire library).
We’re a book!
A complete human genome consists of two sets of
3,000,000,000 pairs of individual “letters.”
 Which
 And
encodes ~100,000 different proteins.
uncounted number of RNA molecules.
This is just LINEAR information. (line, one direction.)
The linear info itself can’t explain the complexity of life.
But actually the genome folds and overlaps and loops
and branches. It has genes that regulate genes that
regulate genes.
We’re multidimensional.
Some genes sense changes in environment and then
instruct other genes to react by setting in motion
complex cascades of events that can then modify the
Some genes actively modify themselves, changing the
manual itself!
And we have evidence that linear DNA folds into 2and 3-D structures, like RNA and proteins, which
encode information at an even higher level.
Dynamic, self-regulating, multi-dimensional; all
contained within a cell’s nucleous.
We’re complex.
Each human body contains more than 100 trillion cells.
Each cell has a complete set of instructions.
Human genome specifies the complexity of each cell
and every organ, but even the organization of our
Looking at these higher dimensions (mind, etc.), we can
probably all agree with Carl Sagan who said that each
cell contains more information than the library of
Where did it all come from?
Where did all this information come from, and how can
it possibly be maintained? This is the mystery of the
The standard answer to the origin of biological
information is that mutation combined with selection
have created all biological information.
Next week, we’ll start looking at the emperor’s clothes,
and we’ll see if we can make a space shuttle from a
red wagon.