Transcript Part V ()

Ultra-High Resolution X-ray Diffraction
• 12 X-ray diffraction data sets collected at the APS
pH 5
pH 7
pH 9
1.05 Å, R=10.6%
1.05 Å, R=11.3%
1.15 Å, R=11.1%
1.05 Å, R=10.7%
1.05 Å, R=12.2%
1.20 Å, R=10.4%
Liquid nitrogen
1.05 Å, R=10.9%
1.05 Å, R=11.5%
1.05 Å, R=11.4%
Liquid nitrogen
1.10 Å, R=10.6%
1.00 Å, R=10.9%
1.05 Å, R=11.9%
Ultra-High Resolution X-ray Diffraction
• Covalent distances
– Measure C—O and C—N lengths for ionizable amino acids
– The Cambridge Structural Database
• Small molecule structures; 1.00 Å resolution or better
• Asp/Glu Example
• Non-covalent distances
– Hydrogen bonding
1.20 Å
1.25 Å
1.30 Å
1.25 Å
Recent NMR work on alpha-lytic protease
established the pKa of the active site Asp in the
serine proteases as being around 2. Should
therefore see no proton on this residue at pH 5.
In our room temperature structures of gammachymotrypsin, it is indeed unprotonated.
BUT – in the cryo structures, it is protonated at
pH 5.
Precision and Accuracy of the Distance Data
• Calculate RMSD of all bonds for individual residues
• At highest resolution (1.00 Å), differences greater than
0.02 Å are significant
• BUT – need “gold standard” where we are CERTAIN of
the protonation state of all ionizable residues
deuterons directly from their nuclear density, at room
temperature, at pH 5, 7 and 9
Asparagines are Unambiguous
Nuclear Density
Electron Density
Water Orientation
Nuclear Density = Blue
Density = Red
Structure 22, 899–910, June 10, 2014
To Summarize
• Nearly all the structures in the Protein Data
Bank in the last 25-30 years have been
determined at -200oC, more than 100 degrees
below the glass transition in protein dynamics
• Such low temperatures have clear-cut effects
on protein dynamics and protein volume and
internal packing, but indeterminate effects on
loop and side-chain conformations, interdomain positions, residue protonation states,
and metal ion spin states, among other things
A Proposal
The protein crystallographic community should make
a concerted effort to determine at least one room
temperature crystal structure for every unique
protein in the Protein Data Bank, at the highest
possible resolution
A Proposal
The protein crystallographic community should make
a concerted effort to determine at least one room
temperature crystal structure for every unique
protein in the Protein Data Bank, at the highest
possible resolution.
This might be a very good use for Free Electron Laser
Tom Alber