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Midterm style
• Two teams, two captains (I pick)
• Teams must remain seated unless it is their question
• If it is your teams question, have members of your team stand
up. The more that stand, the more points you get!
• The captain of the other team will pick a student standing.
• If the student gets it correct, that team gets points for every
student standing
• If the student gets it wrong, the opposing team gets the points!
Question 1
Which of the following would you MOST likely study in
A. Why do Texas horned lizards shoot blood out of their eyes
B. How pipefish hide in seaweed
C. What makes flowers bloom
D. All of the above
Question 2
Bacteria are….
A. Producer
B. Primary Consumers
C. Secondary Consumers
D. Decomposers
Question 3
What specific macromolecule contains genetic information?
B. Carbohydrate
C. Lipid
D. Protein
Question 4
What type of data does not deal with numbers?
A. Scientific
B. Ethical
C. Quantitative
D. Qualitative
Question 5
A tree is a….
A. Producer
B. Primary Consumers
C. Secondary Consumers
D. Decomposers
Question 6
Amino acids make up what main type of macromolecule?
A. Lipid
B. Protein
C. Carbohydrate
Question 7
What best describes the purpose of science?
A. To debate the meaning of life
B. To propose solutions to political issues
C. To explain the nature of things
Question 8
Climate is determined by which of the following:
A. Light, temperature, precipitation
B. water, rain, snow
C. light, dark, twilight
D. precipitation, evaporation, rain
Question 9
What stage is a climax community in succession?
A. Starting
B. Final
C. Middle
D. Poorest
Question 10
Which is an example of an observation?
A. You record the air temperature every day
B. You propose a cold front is coming in
C. You hypothesize that the temperature will increase
D. You conclude the season is changing
Question 11
In the water cycle, water turns to what when it evaporates?
A. Liquid
B. Solid
C. Gas
D. All of the above
Question 12
Which level of a food chain has the most organisms in it?
A. Producer
B. Primary Consumer
C. Secondary Consumer
D. Top level
Question 13
Which of the following correctly sequences the steps of the scientific
A. observe, question, make a testable explanation, experiment, collect
and analyze data, state findings
B. question, observe, explain, design and conduct experiment, collect
and analyze data, report findings
C. form a hypothesis, observe, investigate a testable question, collect
and analyze data, state results
D. design and conduct an investigation based on a testable question,
form a hypothesis, collect data, state findings
Question 14
Cougars often eat weak or sick animals. This describes its
A. habitat
B. niche
C. community
D. None of these
Question 15
In a food pyramid, where are the most organisms located?
A. Top
B. Bottom
C. Middle
D. Can not be determined
Question 16
Which level of a food chain has the most food energy
A. Producers
B. Primary consumers
C. Secondary consumers
D. Decomposers
Question 17
Which of the following is NOT a limiting factor?
A. Nutrients
B. Water
C. Space
D. Emigration
Question 18
Which of the following is the ultimate source of energy for the
A. Grass
B. Heat
C. Water
D. Sun
Question 19
What is “soil type” to an earthworm?
A. Abiotic factor
B. biome
C. Biotic factor
D. Carbon source
Question 20
What is the distinction between a zone of tolerance and limiting
A. Limiting factors are biotic or abiotic factors that limit the growth
of a species, while the range of tolerance defines the set of
conditions in which an organism can survive.
B. The range of tolerance defines biotic or abiotic factors that limit
the growth of a species, while limiting factors define the set of
conditions in which an organism can survive.
C. Limiting factors and zones of tolerance are two terms for the
same concepts about species survival under various
environmental conditions.
Question 21
Which characteristic is typical of a k-strategist?
A. Generally small
B. Short life span
C. Produce many offspring
D. Lengthy parental care
Question 22
The Kimmarie Orchid became extinct in the wild due to ____.
A. Habitat loss
B. Exotics
C. Habitat degeneration
D. Over collection
Question 23
Which of the following practices can help conserve an area’s
A. Biological magnification
B. Sustainable usage
C. Habitat fragmentation
D. Species introduction
Question 24
____ represents a formula for a chemical compound.
A. H20
B. P
C. C
D. H
Question 25
The total number of atoms in this molecule of sucrose, C12H22O11,
is ____.
A. 11
B. 12
C. 22
D. 45
E. 56
Question 26
Which particle in the nucleus of an atom has a neutral charge?
A. Proton
B. Neutron
C. Electron
D. Nucleus
Question 27
When added to water, how does an acid affect the pH and H+
A. pH decreases, H increases
B. pH and H increase
C. pH and H decrease
D. pH increases, H decreases
Question 28
A single carbon atom can form a maximum of how many single
covalent bonds?
Question 29
Which of the following shows the correct sequence of
organization for living things?
A. cell-tissue-organ-organ system
B. cell-organ-tissue-organ system
C. organ-tissue-cell-organ system
D. cell-organ system-organ-tissue
Question 30
A baby gaining ten pounds is an example of ____.
A. Reproduction
B. Development
C. Growth
D. Maintaining homeostasis
Question 31
What type of succession is most likely to happen in a burned
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
D. Climax
Question 32
On ten acres of native forest there are eight white-tailed deer,
seven coyotes, 45 armadillos, and 231 loblolly pine trees.
Which population has the highest density?
A. deer
B. coyotes
C. armadillos
D. Pine trees
Question 33
How does an enzyme influence a biological reaction?
A. It decreases the activation energy necessary to initiate the
chemical change.
B. It increases the net energy difference between reactants
and products.
C. It decreases the kinetic energy of reactants, enabling them
to undergo chemical change more easily.
D. It increases the kinetic energy of reactants, thereby
increasing their tendency to collide.
Question 34
Which statement is a fundamental principle of the cell theory?
A. The genetic material in cells is DNA.
B. Living organisms are composed of cells.
C. All cells have a plasma membrane.
D. Eukaryotic cells are larger than prokaryotic cells.
Question 35
Which organelle converts sugars into energy?
A. lysosome
B. Nucleus
C. Mitochondrion
D. ribosome
Question 36
Which statement is true about bacterial cells?
A. The cells are very large.
B. They have membrane bound organelles.
C. They are eukaryotes.
D. The cells have no nucleus.
Question 37
The prefix kilo- means ____.
A. 10
B. 100
C. 1000
D. 1/1000
Question 38
The SI unit of length is the ____.
A. liter
B. gram
C. meter
D. newton
Question 39
Osmosis is the movement of ____ into and out of cells.
A. oxygen
B. water
C. cytoplasm
D. chemicals
Question 40
Anything that has mass and occupies space is ____.
A. Matter
B. Atom
C. Compound
D. Energy
Question 41
Young adult male chimpanzees look for mates outside their
own population. The males then take the females back to their
group. Which of the following occurs in females’ original
A. Immigration
B. Mortality
C. Natality
D. Emigration
Question 42
A population might be increasing because the ____.
A. birth rate is decreasing
B. death rate is decreasing
C. birth rate is increasing
D. both b and c
Question 43
Which is not a topic of biology?
A. the distribution of sand on an ocean floor
B. the relationship between fungi and trees
C. the speed at which a hummingbird flies
D. the chemicals at work in the stomach
Question 44
Which is not something a scientist would study?
A. botany
B. biology
C. astrology
D. anatomy
Question 45
What is the basis of the metric measurement system?
A. based on European measurement standards.
B. It is the only scientific measurement system.
C. It is based on the wavelength of krypton-86 radiation.
D. based on divisions that are powers of ten.
Question 46
Which best describes the difference between an observation
and an inference?
A. You can record an observation; an inference is an idea.
B. An observation is a conclusion; an inference is a
C. An observation is based on evidence, an inference is not.
D. You make an inference before you make observations.
Question 47
All predators are ____.
A. producers
B. primary consumers
C. secondary consumers
D. food webs.
Question 48
The body is made up of many ____ working together.
A. tissues
B. organs
C. organ systems
D. organism
Question 49
At the end of an experiment, a scientist forms a(n) ____.
A. conclusion
B. observation
C. problem
D. hypothesis
Question 50
In what organisms does alcoholic fermentation take place?
A. viruses
B. yeast and some bacteria
C. fruit flies
D. plants
Question 51
What is the role of oxygen in cellular respiration?
A. It provides electrons for the electron transport chain.
B. It combines with carbon monoxide to form carbon dioxide.
C. It is needed for the production of light and heat.
D. It is the final electron acceptor for the electron transport
Question 52
Where does the oxygen used in cellular respiration end up?
B. water.
C. Glucose
Question 53
When light strikes chlorophyll molecules, they lose electrons,
which are ultimately replaced by which of the following?
A. splitting water into 2H+ and O2–
B. oxidizing glucose
C. breaking down ATP
D. fixing carbon
Question 54
What happens when an aerobic organism is placed in an
anaerobic environment?
A. Glycolysis stops, stopping the citric acid cycle.
B. The electron transport chain stops, stopping the citric acid
C. The citric acid cycle stops, stopping the electron transport
D. The electron transport chain stops, stopping the citric acid
Question 55
Predict the photosynthetic pathway that might be used by a
saguaro cactus.
B. C4 pathway
C. C3 pathway
D. nitrogen fixation
Question 56
How long are food chains?
A. 4 steps
B. 3 steps
C. Varies with day length
D. Varies on the ecosystem
Question 57
Which process describes nitrogen fixation?
A. bacteria take nitrogen from the air and convert it to a form
usable by plants
B. animals eat plants containing nitrogen and return it to the
soil through urination
C. organisms die and are decomposed into ammonia in the
D. plants take nitrogen from the air and store it in their roots
Question 58
What nutrient makes plants grow faster?
A. nitrogen
B. sodium
C. calcium
D. oxygen
Question 59
Which of these species might be classified as a pioneer
A. pines
B. aspen
C. choke cherry
D. lichen
Question 60
Density, distribution, and growth rate are characteristics used
to classify which one of the following?
A. biomes
B. Limiting factors
C. Populations
D. Aging structure
Question 61
Which of the following does not affect the spatial distribution of
a population?
A. the distribution of food and other resources
B. the carrying capacity of a population
C. abiotic conditions like rainfall and sunlight
D. the existence of predators or parasites
Question 62
A population’s emigration in one month totaled three
individuals. During the same period, immigration was 17
individuals. Natality was 12, and mortality was 26 due to a
parasite infection. What was the net effect on the population
A. -14
B. -12
C. 0
D. 26
Question 63
How does the logistic model of population growth differ from
the exponential model?
A. The logistic model considers the environment’s carrying
B. The exponential model shows a restricted growth rate.
C. The graph of the logistic model has a longer lag phase.
D. The graph of the exponential model is S shaped.
Question 64
A fruit fly that has a short life span and produces many
offspring can be classified into which reproductive strategy?
A. k-strategist
B. r-strategist
C. a carrying-capacity strategist
D. a logistic strategist
Question 65
If you were to develop a measure of the approach to human
carrying capacity, what would be the most complete
A. population growth rate plus resource use per person
B. population growth rate times resource use per person
C. population distribution times resource use per person
D. population distribution plus ressources avalable per Person
Question 66
Afghanistan has a growth rate of 4.8 percent per year and
Niger has a growth rate of 2.6 percent per year. For every
thousand people, how many more individuals will be added to
the population in Afghanistan than in Niger in one year?
A. 2.2
B. 22
C. 26
D. 48
Question 67
One isotope of carbon differs from another in which way?
A. Atomic number
B. Number of neutrons
C. Number of electrons
D. Number of protons
Question 68
A molecule of water (H2O) has which bonds?
A. 1 covalent bond
B. 2 covalent bonds
C. 1 ionic bond
D. 2 ionic bonds
Question 69
Which is an example of a chemical reaction?
A. Iron rusting
B. Ice melting
C. Water evaporating
D. Sugar dissolving in water
Question 70
Which is the best description of activation energy?
A. Heat stored within the reactant molecules.
B. Heat released as the reaction proceeds
C. Heat added to initiate a reaction.
D. Heat stored within the product molecules.
Question 71
Capillary action is the result of adhesion. Which aspect of
water is responsible for this?
A. hydrogen bonds between water and another substance
B. polar covalent bonds that join molecules of water to other
C. nonpolar covalent bonds that enable water to dissolve other
D. ionic bonds that enable electrons to flow through water and
into another substance
Question 72
Which element is found in proteins but not carbohydrates or
A. C
B. H
C. N
D. O
Question 73
In humans and other multicellular organisms, which substance
plays a central role as an energy source?
A. Fat
B. Carbohydrate
C. Protein
D. Water
Question 74
What did scientists observe using the earliest microscopes.
A. Tiny organisms
B. Molecules
C. Cell parts
D. Atoms
Question 75
Which is present only in eukaryotic cells?
B. Nucleus
C. Chromosomes
D. Cell membrane
Question 76
Cholesterol is repelled by water and can be found between the
layers of the phospholipids in the plasma membrane. What
can be concluded from this information?
A. Cholesterol is nonpolar.
B. Cholesterol is polar.
C. A high cholesterol diet should be avoided.
D. Cholesterol is repelled by the polar tails.
Question 77
Chloroplasts are organelles that convert light energy to sugars.
These organelles are found only in plants. Which organelles
are found only in animals?
A. lysosomes
B. golgi apparatus
C. mitochondria
D. ribosomes
Question 78
What is a major difference between facilitated diffusion and
active transport?
A. Active transport uses proteins in the process.
B. Active transport moves substances against the
concentration gradient.
C. Facilitated diffusion moves molecules through the plasma
D. Facilitated diffusion requires large amounts of energy.
Question 79
What types of materials are expelled from cells during
A. water and glycerol
B. small molecules such as carbon dioxide
C. positive and negative ions
D. large molecules such as hormones
Question 80
During photosynthesis light energy is converted to the energy
in chemical bonds. What also happens according to the
predictions of the second law of thermodynamics?
A. heat is released in the process
B. the light and chemical energy are equal
C. matter is lost in the process
D. chemical energy is converted to light energy
Question 81
An organism that uses hydrogen sulfide as a source of energy
is categorized as which of the following?
A. photoautotroph
B. heteroautotroph
C. chemoautotroph
D. thermoautotroph
Question 82
Which of the following metabolic pathways is anabolic?
A. photosynthesis
B. respiration
C. alcohol fermentation
D. breakdown of actin in muscles
Question 83
What results from the removal of a phosphate group from
A. the release of energy
B. the production of mechanical energy
C. the creation of energy
D. the absorption of energy by chlorophyll
Question 84
Infer why chloroplasts are found mostly in the leaves of plants.
A. The waxy coating on the surface of leaves helps prevent
B. Chlorophyll interferes with the xylem and phloem in the
stems and trunks of plants.
C. The large surface area of leaves allows for contact with
D. The large surface area of leaves allows for maximum light
Question 85
If yellow, red, and orange pigments exist in the leaves of trees,
why are leaves green except for in the autumn?
A. Chlorophyll is the most abundant of all the pigments.
B. Chlorophyll molecules are the largest of the all pigment
C. Chlorophyll reproduces faster than the other pigments.
D. Green is the color of the spectrum most easily seen by