Transcript Antibiotics

Plants and Fungi Used to Treat
Infectious Disease
Infectious Disease
• World wide, infectious disease is the number one
cause of death accounting for approximately onehalf of all deaths in tropical countries
• Infectious disease mortality rates are actually
increasing in developed countries, such as US
• Infectious disease underlying cause of death in 8%
of deaths occurring in US
• Antimicrobial = a substance which destroys or
inhibits the growth of microorganisms
• Antiseptic = a substance that checks the growth or
action of microorganisms especially in or on living
• Antibiotic = a substance produced by or derived
from a microorganism and able to inhibit or kill
another microorganism
• Antibiotics from fungi
• Antimalarials from plants
• Other antimicrobials from plants
• By-product of certain Penicillium species
• Inhibits the growth of gram-positive
• Blocks wall synthesis in bacteria and results
in death of the bacterial cell by lysis
• Surpassed known therapeutic agents by
suppressing bacterial growth without being
Discovery of Penicillin
• Folk treatments for wounds
• 19th Century observations of antibiosis by
Penicillium spp
– Roberts - 1874
– Tyndall - 1881
– Others
• Flemming - 1928
Sir Alexander Fleming
Fleming’s Petri Dish - Penicillium notatum
killed the culture of Staphylococcus aureus
Zone of Inhibition
• Around the fungal
colony is a clear zone
where no bacteria are
• Zone of inhibition due
to the diffusion of a
substance with
antibiotic properties
from the fungus
Research continues
• In 1939, - Oxford University Howard Florey and
Ernst Chain
• 1941 first human tests
• 1941 research moved to the US
• USDA labs in Peoria Illinois
• Summer 1943 Penicillium chrysogenum
• D-Day 1944
• 1945 Nobel Prize
Start of Synthetics
• Soon after World War II, the pharmaceutical
industry developed chemically altered
versions of the penicillin molecule
• Modified penicillins provided for greater
stability, broader anti-bacterial activity, and
also oral administration which would permit
home use of antibiotics
Penicillin Today
• Still the most widely used antibiotic
• Still the drug of choice to treat many
bacterial infections
• Scientists have continued to improve the
yield of the drug
• Present day strains of P. chrysogenum are
biochemical mutants that produce 10,000
times more penicillin than Fleming's
original isolate
• Resistance - evolution of penicillinresistant bacteria
• Allergies - Penicillin is the most frequent
cause of anaphylaxis
Synthesis of Penicillin
• Penicillin - one of a family of b-Lactam antibiotics
 b-Lactams produced by asexual fungi, some ascomycetes,
and several actinomycete bacteria
 b-Lactams are synthesized from amino acids valine and
b Lactam Basic Structure
• When penicillin first isolated, it was found
to be a mixture of various penicillins
• Different R groups attached to the molecule
• When large scale production began, it was
found that by adding phenylacetic acid to
the medium, the penicillin was all one type penicillin-G
• Still an important antibiotic
• Disadvantage has been that it is unstable in
acid conditions
• Given by injections - otherwise stomach
acids would destroy
• The addition of phenoxyacetic acid to the
culture medium gives penicillin-V
• This is not as active as penicillin-G, but it is
acid stable and can be given by mouth
• There are many other naturally occurring
penicillins but these are still clinically very
phenoxy methyl penicillin
Semi-Synthetic Penicillins
• A strain of Penicillium chrysogenum found that
produced large amounts of 6-amino
penicillanic acid (6-APA)
• 6-APA lacked antibiotic activity but it could be
used to add a variety of side chains and create
semi-synthetic penicillins
– methicillin and ampicillin
• Semi-synthetics have made penicillins a more
versatile group of antibiotics
Mode of Action
 b-lactam antibiotics inhibit formation of the
bacterial cell wall by blocking cross-linking of the
cell wall structure
 Bind to PBP – penicillin binding proteins in cell
membrane that function as transpeptidases
 Inhibit transpeptidases, which catalyze the final cross
linking step in the synthesis of the peptidoglycan cell
 Result: bacterial wall is weakened and cell bursts
from osmotic pressure
Resistance due to b-Lactamase
• In 1948 Giuseppe Brotzu identified a compound
produced by Cephalosporium acremonium that was an
effective treatment for gram-positive infections as well
as some gram-negative ones such as typhoid
• Brotzu sent a culture of this fungus to Florey. The team
at Oxford once again isolated the active compound
which they named cephalosporin
• Today a whole class of cephalosporins
Clinically Important Antibiotics
Producer organism
Site or mode of
Penicillium chrysogenum
Gram-positive bacteria
Wall synthesis
Cephalosporium acremonium Broad spectrum
Wall synthesis
Penicillium griseofulvum
Dermatophytic fungi
Bacillus subtilis
Gram-positive bacteria
Wall synthesis
Polymyxin B
Bacillus polymyxa
Gram-negative bacteria
Cell membrane
Amphotericin B
Streptomyces nodosus
Cell membrane
Streptomyces erythreus
Gram-positive bacteria
Protein synthesis
Streptomyces fradiae
Broad spectrum
Protein synthesis
Streptomyces griseus
Gram-negative bacteria
Protein synthesis
Streptomyces rimosus
Broad spectrum
Protein synthesis
Streptomyces orientalis
Gram-positive bacteria
Protein synthesis
Micromonospora purpurea
Broad spectrum
Protein synthesis
Streptomyces mediterranei
Protein synthesis