Transcript ppt

Protein Structure
What is PSP ?
Primary sequence (1D)
Tertiary Structure (3D)
all bonds angles, dihedral angles
and bond lengths between each
amino acid residue in protein
“Solving” PSP
View PSP as a search
 Given any primary sequence of an unknown protein (in
the sense of it’s 3D structure)
 Consider PSP as performing a search through the
configuration space of the given protein
The space of
Steps in solving PSP
 Given primary sequence predict the final 3D structure
 2 Step process (1D 2D, 2D 3D)
 1st find configuration for the secondary structure (SS Prediction)
 2nd find configuration for the side-chains (side-chain
Required “components” in
solving PSP
 All methods require the definition of a protein
• A simplified protein structure model
• A potential energy function
Simplified structure model of
 By the above we mean that the protein in question
has simpler physical properties then an actual protein
 This is needed as trying to solve PSP is too complex
for real proteins
 Good simplified models give a good approximation for
the actual shape of the protein
 Determining a good model is a research area by itself
Example of Simplified Model of
Simplified model of
the protein backbone
“Actual” model of the
protein backbone
3 dihedral angles
Bond angles
is the only dihedral angle
Potential Energy Function
 How do we know when a predicted structure is the
native shape of the protein ?
In thermodynamics,
A molecule is most stable when it’s free energy is at a minimum
native shape is at a free energy minimum
• The potential energy function is a simplification of actual
forces acting on a real protein molecule and it’s formulation is
based on the given simplified structural model
Example of Potential Energy
Purpose : Minimize
Etotal = EHH + Evdw
Hydrophobic Interaction
Evdw = Cv ·
Summation over all
atoms with rij < 8A
A = Angstrom = 1 tenbillionth of meter
Van der Waals Interaction
Van der Waals Potential
 rij 
 Ri  Rj 
rij = distance between atom i and j
Ri = van der waals radii of atom i
Different approaches to PSP
 Ab Initio Methods
 Knowledge Based Methods
Ab Initio Methods
What is Ab Initio ?
• Ab Initio means from 1st principles
• Use thermodynamic laws to figure out the configuration
of the fold of the given protein protein folding problem
• Global/semi-global minimization of the function
• 1D
2D = secondary structure problem
• 2D
3D = side-chain conformation
Some Ab Initio Methods
 Molecular Dynamic Simulation
 Using complex energy functions simulate folding of the primary
sequence until it reaches it’s native state (1D->3D)
 Genetic Algorithm
 Used in refining a given potential function so that it can best predict the
native state of a protein
 Simulated Annealing
 Branch and Bound Methods (usually used in side-chain
 Approximation algorithms
Comparative/Homologue Modeling
 Threading
 Docking
Knowledge Based Methods
Knowledge Based Methods
 Using knowledge of currently known protein folds,
predict the shape of the target protein
 Assumption is the native fold of the target protein is
similar to a currently known one i.e in the same family
 Unable to predict any novel folds, i.e new fold family
Some Knowledge-Based
 Comparative/Homologue Modeling
 Threading
 Docking
Methodological Framework for
solving PSP
Primary Protein Sequence
Knowledge-base, e.g PDB
Ab Initio Methods
Homologue Modeling
Predicted 3D
Structure of Protein
Side-Chain Prediction
 Find a conformation of the all the side chains along
the given main chain of a protein
 Usually done as the 2nd step in predicting the 3D
structure of protein
 Also useful in drug design, where drug structures have
to be designed to be easily docked by enzymes for
breaking down
Side-Chain Prediction
 The main chain fold has been computed and given as
 choose positions of all side chains so as to minimize
some potential energy function
 Problem if solved Ab Initio is proven to be NP-Complete
(reduce Clique to it)
Central Dogma
 The more tightly packed Side-chains are, the more stable
they will be.
 Ponder & Richards have shown that there are a fixed set
of rotations (rotamers) side-chains can take.
 Most methods now make use of this library of rotamers
(abt 67 different rotations)
 Main concern is the search strategy to find the best
Methods in Side-chain prediction
 Simulated Annealing
 A* algorithm
 Monte Carlo Minimization
 Molecular Dynamics Simulation
 Dead End Elimination
 Genetic Algorithm
Dead End Elimination
 Deterministic method to determine the global minimum
energy conformation (GMEC) of set of side-chains.
 Continuously eliminate rotamers from consideration in
the GMEC, until only 1 rotamer is left in each side-chain
position (thus giving final conformation).
 DEE can be viewed as a mathematical criteria that a
rotamer must fulfill in order not to be eliminated
Dead End Elimination
 Potential function is described in terms of pair-wise
interactions of all rotamers at all positions.
 Therefore energy function to minimized can be
formulated as
Sum of pairwise interaction energy between
rotamer r at position j and rotamer u at positions j
energy of the given backbone fold
Sum of energy of rotamer r at side chain i
Dead End Elimination
 Assuming p side-chains and n rotamers for each sidechain
 Time complexity of finding the configuration that minimizes
the energy function takes O(p*np)
 Not feasible to use the original formulation
Original DEE
 A rotamer ir can be eliminated from consideration if there is
an alternative rotamer it at the same position that satisifies
Energy resulting
from using rotamer r
at position i
Minimum pairwise
interaction energy
between ir and every
other side-chain j
Maximum pairwise
Energy resulting
interaction energy
from using rotamer t between it and every
at position i
other side-chain j
Original DEE
 Given some relevant energy landscape, the previous
inequality in fact says the following
Rotamer r at side-chain i can
only be eliminated only if
maximum energy conformation
using rotamer t at side-chain i is
smaller than the minimum
energy conformation of using
rotamer r
Original DEE
 A simplistic implementation of Original DEE by simply
translating the inequality to code result in a time complexity
of O(n2*p2)
 There is however still a problem if the following happens
Simple Goldstein DEE
 A rotamer ir can be eliminated from consideration if there is
an alternative rotamer it at the same position that satisifies
Energy resulting
from using rotamer r
at position i
Energy resulting
from using rotamer t
at position i
Difference in energy of
conformation using ir
and conformation using
it which are at the point
of closest contact
Simple Goldstein DEE
 Given some relevant energy landscape, the previous
inequality in fact says the following
Rotamer r at side-chain i can only be
eliminated by both totamer t1 and
rotamer t2 since the difference is +ve
at the points of closest contact.
Meaning for any given conformation
using t1 or t2 will result in a smaller
overall energy than using r
Simple Goldstein DEE
 A simplistic implementation of Simple Goldstein DEE by
simply translating the inequality to code result in a time
complexity of O(n3*p2)
 There is however still a problem if energy profiles of
rotamer r and every other rotamer intersect.
 More powerful criteria will have to be used
 General GoldStein DEE, Simple Split DEE and general
Split DEE
 The more powerful the criterion the higher it’s time
 Myriad of methods to attempt to solve the protein
prediction problem
Knowledge-based methods have gained a edge over Ab
initio methods
 However not much improvement in the prediction power of
modern heuristics, since the 1st experiment by Anfisen 3
decades ago
 Either problem is too hard / More discovery awaits the
adventurous researcher