Lactose Intolerance

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Transcript Lactose Intolerance

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 The inability to digest
and absorb lactose
(the sugar in milk)
that results in
symptoms when milk
or products
containing milk are
drunk or eaten.
 It is caused by reduced or absent activity of lactase that
prevents the splitting of lactose. This is due to three
reasons: congenital, secondary or developmental.
 Congenital: Absence from birth of lactase due to a
mutation in the gene responsible for creating lactose.
 Secondary: Due to diseases that destroy the lining of the
small intestine along with the lactase.
 Developmental: A decrease in the amount of lactase that
occurs after childhood and persists into adulthood.
Risk Factors
 Age: Lactose intolerance usually starts after age 5 —
the condition is uncommon in babies and young
 Ethnicity: Lactose intolerance is more common in
certain ethnic and racial populations. Lactose
intolerance is more common in black, Asian,
Hispanic and American Indian populations.
 Premature birth: Infants born prematurely (28 to 32
weeks of gestation) may have reduced levels of
lactase, because this enzyme increases in the fetus
late in the third trimester.
Abdominal bloating
Abdominal cramps
Slow growth
Weight loss
Symptoms often occur after you eat
or drink milk products, and are
often relieved by not eating or
drinking milk products. Large
doses of milk products may cause
worse symptoms.
Elimination Diet
 Most common way to test lactose intolerance.
(eliminating obvious milk and milk products)
 Some problems with this are:
 1. Milk products are so common in prepared
foods that it is likely that the diet is not as
rigorous as it should be.
 2. Some people do too short a trial.
 3. There is a possibility of a “placebo” effect
where people think they feel better when they
actually aren’t.
 Removing milk from the diet usually improves symptoms; however,
not having milk can lead to a shortage of calcium, vitamin D,
riboflavin, and protein. Add other sources of calcium to the diet if you
remove milk products.
 You can add lactase enzymes to regular milk or take them in
capsule or chewable tablet form.
 You may need to find new ways to get calcium into your diet (you
need 1,200 - 1,500 mg of calcium each day):
 Take calcium supplements
 Eat foods that have more calcium (leafy greens, oysters, sardines,
canned salmon, shrimp, and broccoli)
 Drink orange juice that contains added calcium
Treatment cont.
 These milk products may be easier to
 Buttermilk and cheeses (they have
less lactose than milk)
 Fermented milk products, such as
 Goat's milk (but drink it with meals,
and make sure it is supplemented with
essential amino acids and vitamins if
you give it to children)
 Ice cream, milkshakes, and aged or
hard cheeses
 Lactose-free milk and milk products
 Lactase-treated cow's milk for older
children and adults
 Soy formulas for infants younger than
2 years
 Soy or rice milk for toddlers
Lactose in non-dairy products
 Sometimes found in
 Sausages/hot dogs
 Sliced meats
 Gravy stock powder
 Margarines
 Sliced bread
 Breakfast cereals
 Potato chips
 Dried fruit
 Processed foods
 Medications
 Protein Supplements
Alternatives to Soy Milk
Many people have difficulty digesting soy
products. Some people can tolerate soy but
only if it is cooked, others only in small
amounts. There are several alternative
choices available with Rice, Almond or Oat
milk, each has a different flavor so try the
various brands until you find one you
like. Be sure to buy the enriched varieties as
they provide as much calcium and vitamins A
and D as cows milk and remember to read
the labels, some brands of rice, almond, and
oat milks are blended with soy.
 http://www.mayoclinic