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Transcript HMM-Lec8-091604

Hidden Markov model
BioE 480
Sept 16, 2004
• In general, we have Bayes theorem:
P(X|Y) = P(Y|X)P(X)/P(Y)
• Event X: the die is loaded, Event Y: 3 sixes.
• Example: Assume we know that on average extracellular proteins have
a slightly different a.a. composition than intracellular ones. Eg. More
cysteines. How do we use this information to predict a new protein
sequence x=x1x2…xn whether it is intracellular or extracellular.
– We first split the training examples from Swiss-Prot into
intracellular and extracellular proteins, leaving aside those
– We then estimate a set of frequencies q a for intraceullar proteins
and a set qa of extracellular frequencies.
– Also estimate the probability that any new sequence is extracelluar,
pext and intracellular pint , called prior probabilites, because they
are best guesses about a sequence before we actually see the
sequence itself.
• We now have:
P( x | ext)  i qxexti , P( x | int )  i qxinti
• Because we assume that every sequence must be either
extracellular or intracelluar, we have:
P( x)  p ext P( x | ext)  p int P( x | int)
• By Bayes’ theorem,
P(ext | x) 
p ext i q xexti
p ext i q xexti  p int i q xinti
• This is the number we want: the posterior probability that
a sequence is extracellular.
– It is our best guess after we have seen the data.
• More complicated: transmembrane proteins have both intra
and extra cellular components.
Random Model R:
For two sequences x and y, of lengths n and m. If xi
is the i th symbol in x, and yi the i th symbol in y. Assume that letter a occurs
independently with some frequency qa.
– The probability of the two sequences x and y is just the product of the
probabilities of each amino acid:
P(x,y|R) = P qxi P qyi
An alternative model: Match Model M:
Aligned pairs of residues occur
with a joint probability Pab. Its value can be thought of as the probability that
the resdiues a and b have each independently been derived from some
unknown original residue c in their common ancester.
– c might be the same as a and/or b.
– The probability of the whole alignment is:
P(x,y|M) = P pxiyi
The ratio of these two likelihoods is the odds ratio:
P(x,y|M) / P(x,y|R) = P pxiyi / (P qxi P qyi )= P pxiyi / qxi qyi
To make this additive, we take the logarithm of this ratio, the log-odd ratio.
S = S s(xi, yi), where s(a, b) = log (pab / qa qb ),
Here s(a, b) is the log likelihood ratio of the residue pair (a,b) occurring as an
aligned pair, as opposed to an unaligned pair.
A biologist may write down and ad hoc substitution matrix based on intuition, but
it actually implies the “target frequencies” pab . Any substitution matrix is
making a statement about the probability of observing ab pairs in real
How to develop an evolutionary model?
– Parameterized by probability of residue A mutated to residue B: PAB
– Statistical modeling: these parameters cannot be assigned, rather, they
have to be estimated from data.
Suppose we know sequences s and s’ are related: find PAB that maximizes:
P(s, s'| model using PAB )
– Maximum likelihood: maximize data likelihood under model.
– Results:
n AB ( s, s ' )
Here n AB ( s , s ' ) is # count when A and B are aligned in a column, n is the length of s .
Substitution matrix can be obtained when alignment of sequences are compiled.
Different matrix for different evolutionary time t :
PAB (t )  P( A, B | t )
How do we estimate it?
– The probability of given a residue A and it is substituted by B within evolutionary
distance t :
P( B | A, t )
– Ignore directionality of time:
P( A, B | t )  P( B | A, t ) P( A | t )
– Assume that the distribution of amino acid (a.a.) does not change during evolution:
P( A | t )  P( A)  qA , and P( A, B | t )  P( B | A, t )qA
M  P( B | A, t ) 
P( A, B | t )
Can be estimated from:
• relative frequency of pair (A,B) in the known alignment of s and s’, and
• relative frequency qA of residue A.
– Substitution matrix over a longer time scale:
M '  ( P( B | A, kt)) AB and M '  M k
Regular Expression
Widely used in many programs, especially those on Unix: awk, grep,
sed, and perl.
– Used for searching text files for a pattern. Eg. Search for all files that
containing “C.elegans” or “Caenorhabditis elegans” with the regular
% grep “C[\.a-z]* elegans” *
– This matches any line containing a C followed by any number of lowercase leters or “.”, then a space, and then “elegans”.
– Another example, PROSITE.
– Difficulty: need to be very broad and complex, because protein spelling is
much more free than English spelling.
• Example: ( use DNA because of the smaller number of letters than a.a.)
• A regular expression for this is:
Problem: It does not distinguish:
Highly implausible, exceptional
character in each position
Consensus sequence
• Alternative: score sequences by how well they fit the alignment.
– Eg. A proabability of 4/5=0.8 for A in the first position, 1/5=0.2 for
a T; etc.
– After the third position in the alignment, 3 out of 5 sequences have
“insertions” of varying lengths, so we say the probability of
making an insertion is 3/5 and thus 2/5 for not makng one.
– A diagram:
This is a hidden Markov model!
A 0.8
C 0.0
G 0.0
T 0.2
A 0.0
C 0.8
G 0.2
T 0.0
A 1.0
C 0.0
G 0.0
T 0.0
A 0.0
C 0.0
G 0.2
T 0.8
A 0.0
C 0.8
G 0.2
T 0.2
Hidden Markov Model
A box is called a “(Match) state”:
– one state for each term in the regular expression.
– Probabilities: counting in the multiple alignment how many times each
event occurs.
“Insertion”: A state above the other states.
– Probabilities of NTs: counting all occurrences of the four NTs in this
region of the alignment: A 1/5; C 2/5; G 1/5, and T 1/5.
– Probabilities of transitions:
• After sequences 2, 3 and 5 have made one insertion each, there are
two more (from sequence 2)
• Total number of transitions back to the main line is 3: there are three
sequences that have insertions. All will come back to the main states.
• Therefore, probability of making a transition to the next state: 3/5
• Probability of making a transition to itself: 2/5 --- keep inserting.
Scoring Sequences
• Consensus sequences: ACACATC.
– Probability of the 1st A: 4/5.
– This is multiplied by the probability of the transition from the first
state to the second, which is 1.
– ….
P(ACACATC)  0.8  1  0.8  1  0.8  0.6  0.4  0.6  1  1  0.8  1  0.8  4.7  10- 2
• How do we score the exceptional sequence TGCT--AGG?
P  0.0023  102
– This is 2000 times smaller.
– We can now get a score for each sequence to measure how well it
fits the motif.
• For the other four original sequences:
• The probability depends very strongly on the length of the sequence.
– Probability: Not a good number as score.
– Use log-odds ratio: ln( observed/random), here the random model
(null model) is that the sequences are random strings of NTs:
• the probability of a sequence of length L is: 0.25 L
• The log-odds score is:
log  odds for sequence S  log
P( S )
 log P( S )  L log 0.25
• Other null model: not 0.25, but background NT compositions.
– When a sequence fits a HMM very well: high log-odds score
– When it fits a null model better: negative score.
• The second sequence has raw score as low as the exceptional score
– because it has three inserts.
– But the log-odds score is much higher than the exceptional seq.
– Excellent discrimination.
– But, high log-odds may not be a “hit”: there will always be random
hits when searching a database. Need to look at E-value and Pvalue.
• If the alignment had no gaps or insertions:
– No insert state.
– All probabilities associated with the arrows (the transition
probabilities) = 1. Can all be ignored.
– HMM works then exactly as a weight matrix of log-odds scores.
What is hidden
• Come back to the occasional dishonest casino:
they use a fair die most of the time, with a
probability of 0.05 it switching to loaded die, and
with a probability of 0.1 of switch back.
• The switch between die is a Markov process (it
only depends on the previous state).
• The observation of the sequence of rolls is hidden
Markov process because the casino wouldn’t tell
you in which role they were using loaded die.
Profile HMMs
• Profile HMMs: allows position-dependent gap penalties.
– Obtained from a multiple alignment.
– Can be used to search a database for other members of the family just like a
standard profile.
• Structure of the Model:
– Main states (bottom): model the columns of the alignment, are the main states.
• Probabilities are calculated by the frequency of the a.a. or NT.
– Insert states (diamond): model highly variable regions in the alignment
• Often the probabilities are a fixed distribution, eg, by composition
– Delete states (circle): silent or null state. Do not match any
residues, they are there so it is possible to jump over one or more
• For modeling when just a few of the sequences have a “-” at a
• Example:
• Insertion region (white): an alignment of this region is highly uncertain.
• Shaded region: columns that correspond to main states in the HMM model.
– Probabilities: For each non-insert column, we make a main state and set the
probabilities equal to the amino acid frequencies.
– Transition probabilities: count how many sequences use the various
transitions, like before.
• Delete states: Two transitions from a main state to a delete state, shown with
dashed lines:
– from “begin” to the first delete state
– from main state 12 to delete state 13.
– Both correspond to dashes in the alignment:
• Only one sequence has gaps, the probability of these delete transitions is
– The 4th sequence continues deletion to the end:
• Probability from delete 13 to 14 is 1, and from delete 14 to the end is
also 1.
• Dangerous to estimate a probability distribution from just a few
observed amino acids.
– If there are two sequences, with Leu at a position:
• P for Leu =1, but P = 0 for all other residues at this position
• But we know that often Val substitutes Leu.
• The probability of the whole sequence are easily become 0 if a
single Leu is substituted by a Val.
• Or , the log-odds is minus infinity.
• How to avoid “over-fitting” (strong conclusions drawn from very little
• Use pseudocounts:
– Pretend to have more counts than those from the data.
– A. Add 1 to all the counts:
• Leu: 3/23, other a.a.: 1/23
• Adding 1 to all counts is as assuming a priori all a.a. are equally likely.
• Another approach: use background composition as pseudocounts.