Transcript Tofu

It’s not so scary
What is Tofu?
Tofu is soybean curd, made by treating heated soy milk with a
coagulant to produce curds. The curds are usually pressed into a
block. Tofu has a soft texture and a mild flavor making it useful in many
types of cuisine.
Silken tofu ; The traditional Japanese delicacy : the curds are left undrained and un-pressed. This tofu has a soft, delicate texture,
somewhat like custard.
Soft, regular, firm, and extra-firm tofu: The curds can also be pressed
to varying degrees of firmness. The firmer the tofu, the better it holds
its shape.
Flavored tofu : It may be infused with herbs and spices or sometimes
baked or steamed.
( Reduced Fat Tofu is also available)
The History of Tofu
Discovered over 2000 years ago by the Chinese.
Legend claims that tofu was discovered when a Chinese
cook combined seaweed nigari to a pot of soybean milk,
accidentally causing it to curdle.
It was introduced to Japan in the 8th century but did not
become popular until the 17th century.
Tofu was originally called “okabe.” It took on the name
Tofu in the 15th century.
As interest in healthier diets increased in the west, tofu
gained popularity around the 1960’s in the U.S.
Fun Facts about Tofu
Tofu can take on pretty much any flavor, making it an
extremely versatile food.
Tofu can be frozen up to 5 months. Defrosted tofu has a
pleasant caramel color and a chewy, spongy texture that
soaks up marinade sauces and is great for the grill.
Tofu can be prepared in a huge variety of ways such as
in sauces, soups, stir-fries, spring rolls, Japanese
dishes, desserts, dairy-free cheesecakes and even
Tofu never overpowers. Tofu always compliments.
Tofu is used at Buddhist banquets to imitate meat.
Nutrients in Tofu
Nutritional Value
4.0 oz of Raw Tofu
.14g Tryptophan :an amino acid and essential in human nutrition. It is one of the 20 amino acids in
the genetic code.
.69 mg Manganese: important to central-nervous-system function, bone growth,
reproduction,helps the body metabolize cholesterol, carbohydrates, and amino acids.
6.08 mg Iron: a component of body systems that are involved in the utilization of oxygen
9.16 g Protein : maintain the functions of the cells and organs
10.09 mcg Selenium: help prevent cellular damage from free radicals.
.36 g Omega 3 fatty acids: critical for good health. However, the body cannot make them on its own
.22 mg Copper : necessary for iron metabolism, for the formation of the brown pigment, melanin, in
hair and skin, and in the functioning of the body's central nervous system
110.0mg Phosphorus: an important element for many essential processes in the body
100.0mg Calcium: helps your heart, muscles, and nerves function. It is also important for bone
34.02 mg Magnesium: needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body
Health Benefits of Tofu
Soy Protein found in Tofu can lower total cholesterol
levels up to 30% and lower bad cholesterol levels up to
35-40%, lower triglyceride levels, reduce blood clots
and possibly raise good cholesterol levels.
Soy may reduce menopause symptoms.
Phytoestrogens help women’s bodies maintain estrogen
The calcium in Tofu may also help prevent accelerated
bone loss during menopause.
How to Buy and Store Tofu
Tofu is available in several different types of packages. In
natural foods stores, it is usually in the refrigerator case,
often with the dairy foods. In supermarkets, it is usually found
in the produce section.
Aseptic-packed tofu is shelf-stable and does not need to be
refrigerated until it is opened. Once opened, it should be
refrigerated and used within 3 to 4 days.
Water-packed or vacuum-packed tofu should always be kept
refrigerated and used by the expiration date. After opening
water-packed tofu, rinse before cooking, and change the water
daily to keep stored tofu fresh.
Recipe Ideas
Thousands of Tofu Recipes can be found on the internet, try these websites to begin: