Renaissance Notes Section 1 and 2

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Transcript Renaissance Notes Section 1 and 2

Renaissance (1300-1600)
Chapter 17 Sections 1 and 2
Beginnings of the Renaissance
Rebirth; rebirth of art
and learning
Italy’s Advantages
Thriving cities
Wealthy merchant
class (POWERFUL)
Classical heritage of
Greece and Rome
The Renaissance
 Crusades
 Bubonic Plague
 Merchants
Wealthy Merchant Class
 Dominate politics
 Did not inherit social rank;
individual merit
Medici Family
 Ran Florence
 Fans of the arts
 Merchants and Church
Life During the Renaissance
Change of Thought
Focus on human potential and
Realistic style; glorify human
Worldly; concerned with the
here and now
Church Officials and People
Lavish lifestyles
What is your ideal man or
Men and Women
Ideal Woman
Know the classics, charming,
not expect fame
Inspire art, not create art, little
political and economic power
Ideal Man
Artistic Geniuses
Charming, witty, polite, and well
Dance, sing, play music, write
poetry, skilled rider, wrestler,
strong, athletic, and excellent
Renaissance Men Slide Show
Show Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, and
Show artwork
Teach students how to write from Right to Left
Pass Out Leonardo Worksheet
Read as a class, have them write five facts
More than five earns extra credit
Finish Slides (Machiavelli and Printing Press)
The Arts
Indicates three
dimensions in
drawing and writing
Classical artists used
Disappeared in the
Middle Ages
Reappears during
the Renaissance
Read the following passage from
Niccolo Machiavelli
“My intent being to write a useful work…it seemed
to me more appropriate to pursue the actual truth
of the matter than the imagination of it. Many
have imagined republics and principalities which
were never seen or known really to exist; because
how one lives is so far removed from how one
ought to live that he who abandons what one
does for what one ought to do, learns rather his
own ruin than his preservation.”
Wrote The Prince
Political theories
Most people are selfish, fickle,
and corrupt
Okay to have a ruler do
something immoral if it was
good for the people
Succeed must be as strong as
a lion and as crude as a fox
Trick enemies and own people
if it was for the good of the
Northern Renaissance
Interested in:
 Classical culture
 Curious about the world
 Belief in human potential
 Freedom of thought
 Education
Famous Men
 Shakespeare
 Donatello, Leonardo,
Michelangelo, and
 Machiavelli
Johann Gutenberg
 Printing Press
Legacy of the Renaissance
Desire for learning
People began to
Praised individual
 Let’s
say that right now we are having a
 In your opinion, what would we be
having a rebirth of?
 What are some characteristics of this
Read the following quote from
Niccolo Machiavelli:
"The answer is, of course, that it would be
best to be both loved and feared. But since
the two rarely come together, anyone
compelled to choose will find greater security
in being feared than in being loved."
According to Niccolo Machiavelli, there is “greater
security in being feared than in being loved”,
Provide a detailed explanation, in your
introductory and initial body paragraphs why
Machiavelli feels this way.
Feel free to use the handout you received
yesterday to aid in supporting the information in
your essay.