Transcript Review3

CH 112
Overview of CH 10 and CH 14
Chapter 10 Highlights
 During
exercise, the muscles use ATP to
runs out pretty quickly but can be
replenished rapidly by phosphocreatine.
 Exercise
that lasts less than about 10
seconds can be sustained by ATP and
phosphocreatine (the phosphagen system).
Chapter 10 Highlights
 Exercise
that lasts more than 10 seconds
requires the use of metabolism to restore ATP,
either through the aerobic or anaerobic
 The
aerobic pathway is much more efficient than
the anaerobic pathway at producing ATP.
 The
rate at which oxygen is delivered to the
muscles (VO2 max) is one of the limits to the
level of aerobic activity.
Chapter 10 Highlights (cont)
 During
aerobic sports, fuels such as fats,
carbs, and proteins are completely oxidized
to CO2 and H2O.
 During
anaerobic sports, only glucose can
be metabolized, and it ends up as lactic
 Athletic
performance enhancers include
mechanical, nutritional, physiological, and
pharmacological aids.
The Molecular Basis of Exercise
 ATP, the
Cell’s Energy Currency
 Phosphocreatine
 Rapidly restores ATP
 Limited capacity (~10 seconds)
 Fuels that Power Exercise
 Primarily
fats and carbohydrates (glucose
or glycogen).
The Molecular Basis of Exercise
 Mobilization
 During
of Fuels
glycolysis, glucose is oxidized to
pyruvate and ATP is produced.
 Pyruvate can be oxidized in the efficient
aerobic pathway (cellular respiration) or
converted to lactic acid in the anaerobic
pathway (fermentation).
 The rate at which oxygen is delivered to the
muscles (VO2 max) dictates the level of
activity that can be sustained under aerobic
Nutritional Aids
 Gatorade
 Provides
carbohydrates, water, and
 Chocolate
 4:1
Milk (After)
carb to protein ratio is optimal
Nutritional Aids by Sport
 Creatine
(power athletes)
 Increases
stores of phosphocreatine, the
muscle’s quickest energy reserve
 Bicarbonate
 Helps
 Carbo
(anaerobic athletes)
buffer lactic acid
Loading (endurance athletes)
 Increases
the stores of glycogen
Physiological Aids
 Improving
 Blood
Oxygen Delivery
Doping: red blood cells are removed
several weeks prior to competition; body
responds by making more red blood cells;
right before competition, athlete receives a
blood transfusion.
 Erythropoietin (EPO): hormone that promotes
the production of red blood cells.
 Both result in increased hematocrit.
Effect of EPO on Hematocrit
Pharmacological Aids
 Stimulants
 Improve
alertness and energy level
 Some, like caffeine, are legal
 Others, like amphetamines, are illegal
 Building
muscle mass
 Anabolic steroids: structurally similar to the
male sex hormone testosterone
Anabolic Steroids
Chapter 14 Highlights
 Chemistry
has played a large role in
warfare throughout history, including in the
development of conventional explosives,
chemical weapons, and biological
 Explosives
can be classified as low
explosives (which burn) and high
explosives (which detonate).
Chapter 14 Highlights (cont)
 Chemical
weapons are classified
according to mode of action, including lung
irritants (such as chlorine gas), vesicants
(such as mustard gas), and nerve agents
(such as VX).
 Biological
weapons, which are derived
from living organisms, include viruses,
bacteria, and toxic compounds found in
Early Use of Chemistry in Warfare
 Low
Explosives: e.g., gun powder
 An explosive mixture of potassium nitrate,
charcoal, and sulfur developed by the Chinese
in the 10th century
 High
 Exemplified by nitroglycerine, which contains
internal nitro groups (-NO2) that rapidly oxidize
the rest of the molecule
 Detonation results in a volume expansion
because of a rapid release of heat and gaseous
Factors Affecting Volume of a Gas
Fig 14.3
Chemical Warfare Agents
 Definition
 Chemical
substances, whether gaseous,
liquid, or solid, which are used because of
their direct toxic effects on humans,
animals, or plants
 Classes
 Classified
by their mode of action: lung
irritants, vesicants, respiratory poisons,
nerve agents, hallucinogens, and herbicides
Classes of Chemical Weapons
Chemical Warfare Agents (cont)
 Lung
 Damage
lung tissue directly or via reaction
to produce a corrosive compound
 Exemplified by chlorine gas (Cl2)
 Cl2 is a powerful oxidizing agent and also
reacts with H2O in the lungs to form
hypochlorous acid (HOCl), which oxidizes
cellular molecules.
Action of Hypochlorous Acid
Chemical Warfare Agents (cont)
 Vesicants
 Produce
painful blisters within any exposed
 Exemplified by mustard gas
 Use of mustard gas in warfare led to the
discovery that related compounds are
useful anticancer drugs because they
damage DNA
Action of Nitrogen Mustard
Chemical Warfare Agents (cont)
 Nerve
 Inactivate
the enzyme acetylcholinesterase,
which is essential for muscle contraction.
The result is rapid death by respiratory
 Exemplified by VX
 Atropine acts as an antidote for nerve
agents by blocking the acetylcholine
Action of Atropine
Biological Warfare Agents
 Definition
 Living
organisms such as bacteria or toxic
material derived from them, which are
intended to cause disease or death in
humans, animals, or plants
 Early
 Disease-infected
 Arrow poisons
cadavers, blankets, and
Biological Warfare Agents (cont)
 Types
of Modern Bioweapons
 Bacteria:
e.g., Bacillus anthracis, used by
unknown parties to perpetrate the 2001
anthrax attacks.
 Viruses: e.g., variola, which causes smallpox
and may be an emerging threat because
individuals are no longer vaccinated against
 Toxins: e.g., botulinum toxin, produced by
the bacterium Clostridium botulinum; lethal
at doses of 1 ng/kg.
Biological Warfare Agents (cont)
 Treatment
for Modern Bioweapons
 Bacteria: antibiotics
 Viruses: vaccination