Transcript CHAPTER 5

1. Why was Leonardo da Vinci an
excellent example of Renaissance
Italy’s social ideal?
A. Because he was a painter, sculptor,
architect, inventor, and
2. Who painted frescoes that have
long been regarded as the first
masterpieces of Renaissance art?
A. Massaccio
3. What was the first Protestant faith?
A. Lutheranism
4. What did Calvin’s reformation of
Geneva include?
A. The creation of a church
government and the formation of
the Consistory
5. Who founded the Society of Jesus,
also known as the Jesuits?
A. Ignatius of Loyola
6. Why did parents in Renaissance
Italy carefully arrange marriages?
A. To strengthen business and family
7. What movement had a profound
effect on education?
A. The Humanist movement
8. Who was the best known of all the
Christian humanists?
A. Desiderius Erasmus
9. What doctrine did Calvin and Luther
disagree upon?
A. Predestination
10.What did the final decrees of the
Council of Trent do?
A. It reaffirmed traditional Catholic
teachings in opposition to
Protestant beliefs
11.What event occurred in England in
A. The Church of England separated
from Rome
12.What event ended the war between
France and Spain for control of
A. When Spanish mercenaries were let
loose to sack the city of Rome
13.What is Christine de Pizan best
known for?
A. Her works in defense of women
14.What did Christian humanists
believe would make people more
A. If people read the classics,
especially the works of Christianity
15.What did the Peace of Augsburg
formally do?
A. It accepted the division of
Christianity in Germany
16.What did the Protestant
Reformation do to change the role
of women?
A. It did nothing to change women’s
subordinate role in society
17.What was Baldassare Castiglione’s
work, The Book of the Courtier,
A. It described the characteristics of
the perfect noble
18.Why was Chaucer’s The Canterbury
Tales an important work?
A. Because his use of the English
vernacular was important in making
his dialect the chief ancestor of the
modern English language
19.What three artists are associated
with the High Renaissance in Italy?
A. Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, and
20.What was the purpose of Martin
Luther’s Ninety-five Theses?
A. It attacked the abuses in the sale of
indulgences, beginning the
Protestant Reformation
21.Who did the Catholics and
Protestants consider to be
dangerous radicals?
A. The Anabaptists
22.What important event occurred in
1455 that made the spreading of
ideas easier?
A. The printing press with the printing
of the Gutenberg Bible
23.What event occurred in England in
A. The Archbishop of Canterbury
annulled the marriage of Henry VIII
and Catherine of Aragon
27. Describe the treatment of women at the
humanist schools.
A. Women were largely absent from the
humanist schools. The few female
students who did attend studied the
classics and were encouraged to know
some history, as well as how to ride,
dance, sing, play the lute, and appreciate
poetry. They were told not to learn
mathematics or rhetoric. It was thought
that religion and morals should be the
foremost in the education of “Christian
ladies,” so that they could become good
mothers and wives. (pages 165-166)
28. Describe how the humanist movement
took a new direction in Florence at the
beginning of the fifteenth century.
A. In Florence, the humanist movement took
a new direction at the beginning of the
15th century. 14th century humanists
such as Petrach had described the
intellectual life as one of solitude. They
rejected family and a life of action in the
community. In contrast, humanists in the
early 1400s took a new interest in civic
life. They believed that it was the duty of
an intellectual to live an active life for
one’s state, and that their study of the
humanities should be put to the service of
the state. (pages 159-160)
29. Describe the Renaissance style of
painting and its two major developments.
A. The Renaissance style of painting employed the
laws of perspective, enabling artists to create
the illusion of three dimensions. This realistic
style of painting was pioneered by Masaccio, and
was used and modified by other Florentine
painters in the 15th century. Especially
important were two major developments. One
stressed the technical side—understanding the
laws of perspective and the organization of
outdoor space and light through geometry. The
second development was the investigation of
movement and human anatomy. The realistic
portrayal of the individual person, especially the
human nude, became one of the chief aims of
Italian Renaissance art. (pages 166-167)
30. Explain the main problems that Martin
Luther had with Catholicism.
A. The Catholic religion stressed faith and
the believed good works lead to
salvation. However, Luther believed
humans were saved by faith alone. He
opposed the sale of indulgences, which
were certificates that were supposed to
shorten one’s time in purgatory. He
believed it was not necessary for priests
to be celibate. In his opinion, only two
sacraments, baptism and communion,
were required. (pages 173-174)