PPT Chapter 17 Sect 2

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Transcript PPT Chapter 17 Sect 2

Warm Up
What reason did humanists give for
wanting to reform society? Explain.
How did the availability of cheap books
spread learning?
Warm Up
Describe the perfect History class from
beginning to end remembering that
Chromebooks will be in use. Speak as though
you are a good student wanting a top notch
Warm Up 8/24/16
Describe the happiest day of your life!
Essential Question
What are the origins and characteristics of
the Northern Renaissance and the legacy
it left us?
Ch. 17 Sect 2
The Northern Renaissance
* By the 1400s, Renaissance ideas had
spread to areas of Northern Europe,
especially England, France, Germany
and Flanders.
Northern Renaissance Begins:
 After Hundred Years War in 1453,
cities grew rapidly and the number
of merchants multiplied. Many
sponsored artists.
 N. Europe had strong monarchs and
many works of art are showcased in
the castles.
 Northern Renaissance developed into
a plan for social reform based on
Judeo-Christian values.
Artistic Ideas Spread:
 Many Italian artists fled north
because of invasion from King of
Naples in the south.
 German painters – Albrecht
Durer portrayed classical myths or
realistic landscapes. Hans
Holbein the Younger painted
portraits that seemed almost
photographic in detail. He painted
Henry VIII and family.
 Flemish painters – Flanders was
artistic center of north. Jan van
Eyck was famous for oil
paintings…used in clothes and
jewels (on canvass). Peter
Bruegel the Elder portrayed large
numbers of people…usually scenes
from everyday peasant life using
vivid, bright colors.
Peasant Wedding
Wedding Dance
Northern Writers Try to
Reform Society:
Northern writers pushed Christian
Humanism, emphasizing education of
both boys and girls. Catholic Church
was not emphasizing this.
Desiderius Erasmus and Thomas
More were well known Christian
humanists. Erasmus wrote The
Praise of Folly, poking fun at greedy
merchants, heartsick lovers,
quarrelsome scholars, and pompous
priests. Believed in Christianity of the
heart, not ceremonies or rules and
thought everyone should study the
Bible. More wrote Utopia or ideal
place with no greed, corruption or
Christine De Pizan, a female writer,
also championed women’s rights and
formal education, but her wishes were
not realized in her lifetime. Wrote The
Book of the City of Ladies.
Elizabethan Age:
 The 1500’s in England was known as
the Elizabethan Age, named after
Queen Elizabeth I.
 William Shakespeare was the most
famous Elizabethan writer and
playwright. Performed at Globe
Theatre. Shakespeare had great
command of English language and
keen knowledge of human nature.
Wrote Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello,
Romeo and Juliet, and King Lear
among others.
Printing Spreads Renaissance Ideas:
Chinese invented movable type
which especially helped writing
in European languages to be
spread rapidly.
Johann Gutenberg improved
the process beyond block
printing which was slow, to a
quicker form of movable type
and printed the world’s first fullsized Gutenberg Bible in 1455.
Legacy of the Renaissance:
Changes in the Arts
Used classical Greek and Roman
Portrayed people and nature
Created secular as well as
religious works
Used vernacular
Praised individual achievements
Changes in society
1. Information was readily available and
2. Increased desire for learning
3. Published accounts of new discoveries,
maps, and charts
4. Published legal proceedings and made
laws clear.
5. Christian humanists changes views about
how life should be lived.
6. People questioned political structures
and religious practices.
***Meaning of Renaissance Man
Journal Questions
What factors might have influenced the
trend toward a more realistic style of art?
 What can be learned about people’s daily
lives from examining the painting Peasant
Pop Quiz
After the ___________ in 1453, many northern merchants began
to sponsor artists.
What kind of values were used to develop the Northern
Renaissance plan of social reform?
This painter worked for Henry VIII and his family.
Desiderius Erasmus and Thomas More were well known Christian
Shakespeare was a famous playwright during this great age.
Johann Gutenberg’s printing press was helped along tremendously
by Gutenberg’s improvement on this, first invented by the Chinese.
List 2 changes in society brought about by the Renaissance.