Transcript ppt

Chapt. 33
Ch. 33 Synthesis of Fatty acids, Triacylglycerols,
Membrane lipids:
Student Learning Outcomes:
• Describe basic steps for synthesis of fatty acids from
dietary glucose (or amino acids) in the liver
• Explain the role of VLDL lipoprotein particles
• Explain the use of fatty acids for triglyceride
• Explain the use of fatty acids for synthesis of
glycerophospholipids and sphingolipids
Overview lipogenesis
Overview of lipogenesis:
synthesis of triacylglycerols from glucose:
If excess calories; citrate moved from mitochondrion
Acetyl CoA, Malonyl CoA, NADPH for fatty acids
Mostly occurs in liver
In cytosol
TG packaged as VLDL
Regulated pathway
• Compare b-oxidation
Fig. 1
OAA, oxaloacetate
TG, triacylglycerol
Overview Fate of VLDL-TG
Overview: fate of VLDL-Triacylglycerols
• TG is digested by LPL (lipoprotein lipase) on surface
of capillaries (see Ch. 32)
• FA for energy generation (muscle)
• FA for storage (reform TG in adipose)
• Glycerol returns to liver
• See also Ch. 2
Fig. 2
Overview – membrane lipids
Overview – membrane lipids
A. Glycerophospholipids – diverse head groups
B. Plasmalogen – platelet activation factor (ether link)
C. Sphingolipid – serine not glycerol backbone
D. Glycolipid – no PO4
See also Figs. 5.19, 20
Fig. 3
Fatty acid synthesis
I. Fatty acid synthesis from excess carbohydrates
A. Glucose to cytosolic Acetyl CoA
• Two paths from pyruvate (gluconeogenesis, TCA)
• Reciprocal inhibition/stimulation depends on [Acetyl CoA]
• OAA + Acetyl CoA → citrate (1st step TCA)
• Citrate transported to cytosol
• Cleave to OAA + Acetyl CoA
[PDH is only in mitochondrion;
Fig. 4
Acetyl CoA can’t cross membrane]
B. Citrate in cytosol
B. Citrate in cytosol to Acetyl CoA:
• Citrate lyase cleaves → Acetyl CoA and OAA
• NADPH is required for fatty acid synthesis:
• Some is made from Pentose Phosphate pathway
• Other from recycling OAA back to pyruvate:
• Reduce (uses NADH); recall TCA reversible reaction
• Oxidative decarboxylate (makes NADPH)
Figs. 5,6
↑, inducible enzymes
Fatty acid synthesis needs Acetyl CoA, NADPH
Fatty acid synthesis needs Acetyl CoA, NADPH
in the cytoplasm
• NADPH from Pentose
phosphate pathway
• NADPH from Malic enzyme
• Acetyl CoA from citrate lyase
Fig. 7
B. Acetyl CoA to Malonyl CoA
B. Conversion of Acetyl CoA to Malonyl CoA
• One Acetyl CoA and many Malonyl CoA are needed
• Malonyl CoA is immediate donor of the 2-C units
• Acetyl CoA carboxylase requires biotin and ATP
Acetyl CoA carboxylase is rate-limiting, highly regulated
AMP levels signal fasting ([AMP]/[ATP] sensitive
Figs. 8,9
C. Fatty acid synthase complex
C. Fatty acid synthase complex:
• Sequentially adds 2-C units from 3-C malonyl CoA
• 2 reduction reactions after each addition (NADPH)
• 16-C Palmitate is typical product
• FAS is large enzyme: 2 subunits (one polypeptide
each) with 7 catalytic activities and ACP domain
• ACP – acyl carrier protein segment (Ser) is joined
to a derivative of coenzyme A:
• Oriented with phosphopantetheinyl SH group (PSH) of one subunit near Cys SH group on other
Fig. 10
Fatty Acid synthase – 1st steps
Fatty acid synthase – beginning
1. Acetyl CoA onto ACP P-SH group
2. Acetyl CoA transfers to Cys –SH of other
3. This Acetyl CoA will become the w (last) C
of the fatty acid (i.e. carbon 16 of palmitate)
4. Malonyl CoA attaches to ACP SH
5. Malonyl CoA releases CO2; 2-C unit
condenses with the Acetyl CoA, and a 4-C
product is produced on ACP (C 13-16)
Fig. 11*
Fatty Acid synthesis Reduction reactions
Fatty Acid synthesis:
• Reduction reactions convert bketoacyl group
• NADPH is reducing agent
• HCOH → C=C
• C=C → CH2-CH2
The 4-C unit will transfer to the SH of
the Cys on other subunit
Sort of opposite to b-oxidation
Costs 1 ATP to form Malonyl CoA
Costs 2 NADPH per addition
Fig. 12
Fatty Acid synthesis to palmitate (C16)
Fatty acid synthesis: cycles of 2-C addition
From 1 2-C Acetyl CoA and rest 3-C malonyl CoA
End C was first added (last unit is the COOH end)
Forms on ACP, then moves to Cys SH of other subunit
Cleavage at end
• 2 NADPH/cycle
• 1 ATP/cycle
• 1 CO2 added/ released
Fig. 13
New fatty acid is not reoxidized in liver
New fatty acid is not reoxidized in liver:
• Inhibition of carnitine acyl transferase CPT1
• Longer fatty acids are made in Smooth ER by
similar reactions involving malonyl CoA (Fig. 15)
• Other enzymes desaturate the FA-CoA to form
the unsaturated derivatives
• Use O2, NADH (Figs. 16, 17)
Fig. 14
Triacylglycerol synthesis
II. Synthesis of TG, VLDL
• Liver: phosphatidic acid + FA-CoA →
Triacylglycerol (TG), made in smooth ER
Adipose cells do not have glycerol kinase
• VLDL packages TG, phospholipids,
cholesterol and proteins (apoB-100)
• Processed in Golgi, secreted
• More dense than chylomicrons (less TG)
Fig. 18, 19
Summary of VLDL from liver
Summary VLDL from glucose in liver:
• VLDL secreted into blood
• VLDL will get apoCII and ApoE from HDL
Figs. 20, 21
Fed Fate of VLDL triglycerols
IV. Fate of VLDL triglycerols in Fed state:
• LPL lipase cleaves to FA + glycerol (like chylomicron)
• ApoCII activates LPL
• [Muscle LPL low Km, grabs FA]
• IDL & LDL products (Ch. 34)
Fig. 22
Fasting releases FA from Adipose tissues
V. Fasting releases FA from adipose tissue
• Insulin low, glucagon high; cAMP → PKA….
• Active Hormone Sensitive Lipase-P is TG lipase
• FA travel in blood bound to serum albumin
• Muscle oxidizes FA for energy
• Liver makes ketone bodies
from Acetyl CoA
• Liver uses glycerol for
Fig. 23
VII. Metabolism of glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids
VII. Glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids:
• Components of cell membranes, blood lipoproteins,
bile and lung surfactants (see also Ch. 5)
• glycerol backbone, serine (sphingosine)
Fig. 25
A. Synthesis of glycerophospholipids
A. Glycerophospholipids
Similar to TG: Glycerol-3-phosphate + 2 FA →phosphatidic acid
Then two paths to addition of head group; both use CTP
Fig. 26
Some glycerophospholipids
Some glycerophospholipids
• Phosphatidic acid has PO4 on 3rd C of glycerol
• Slightly different paths for synthesis of two groups
• Both use CTP
Fig. 27,28
Phospholipases degrade glycerophospholipids
B. Degradation of glycerophospholipids
• Different phospholipases attack different bonds
• Enzymes in cell membranes, lysosomes
• PL C cleaves PIP2 → DAG + IP3
• PL D → phosphatidic acid + alcohol head group
• PL A2 cleaves off FA at C2 (often arachidonic, signaling)
• PLA2 also repairs damage by free radicals to C=C)
Fig. 30
Synthesis of sphingolipids:
• Intercell communication
• AB blood groups
• Receptors for viruses
Ceramide is central molecule
• Serine basis
• Fatty acid addition, release CO2
• Reduction
• Other fatty acid to NH2 group
• Oxidation
Fig. 31
PLP = pyridoxal PO4
Synthesis of some sphingolipids
Sphingolipids are based on ceramide:
• Addition of head groups to –OH (from serine)
• Addition of sugars uses UDP-sugar
• Degraded in lysosome
• Deficiency diseases
Fig. 32
Adipocytes can also make hormones:
• Leptin – identified as helping ob/ob obese mice lose weight
• Binds JAK receptor/ signals through sTAT
• Adiponectin – maybe linked to insulin resistance
• AMP kinase, PPARg, enhanced fatty oxidaiton
Metabolic syndrome associated with obesity:
• Insulin resistance, obesity, altered blood lipid levels
• High risk for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease
• Read description in text (Fig. 35)
Key concepts
Key concepts:
• Fatty acids synthesized mainly in liver, from glucose
Glucose to pyruvate in mitochondrion, forms Ac CoA,
OAA, which form citrate
Citrate in cytosol then to Ac CoA, malonyl CoA
Fatty acid synthesis involve series 2-C additions from
malonyl CoA to the w-C of Ac CoA onto FA synthase.
Costs 2 NADPH and 1 ATP per cycle addition
• Fatty acids packaged as TG in liver as VLDL with
proteins and other lipids; digested by LPL on
capillaries and FA enter cells (oxidized or stored)
• Glycerophospholipids similar synthesis
• Spingolipids from sphingosine (serine + FA)
Review question
Review question:
3. A patient with hyperlipoproteinemia would be most likely to
benefit from a low-carbohydrate diet if the lipoproteins that
are elevated in blood are which of the following?
A. Chylomicrons