6th Grade Orientation 2015

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Transcript 6th Grade Orientation 2015

Transitions and changes
Academic Issues and common pitfalls
II. Behavior Guidelines (FAQ’s)
I. Transitions and changes
A. From 1 to Many Instructors
B. Passing Periods and Bells
C. Activity Period
D. Tutorial
II. Academic Items and common
A. Activity Period
- How to use it (TIME MANAGEMENT)
B. Agendas
- Parents help hold students accountable
C. Study Skills
-What not to do. (Visual – Auditory)
D. Parent Contact/Teacher Contact
III. Behavior Guidelines/FAQs
A. Dress Code
A. Electronic Policy
A. STEP System
6.20 Student Dress Code and Student Appearance
Caps or other forms of head cover, sunglasses.
Clothing which displays:
▪ Drug, tobacco or alcohol branding,
▪ profane language, vulgar statements,
▪ Gang or other inappropriate symbols,
▪ Hate messages,
▪ Sexual innuendo,
▪ Death, suicide, or violent messages.
Bare-midriff tops,
Spaghetti straps and halter tops,
Short shorts (defined: the mid-thigh is appropriate length when measured as the halfway point from center top of inseam
to top of knee) or Mini-skirts,
Pajama pants,
Extremely baggy clothing,
Clothing that reveals undergarments,
If leggings are worn, the bottom must be covered,
No holes in clothing that exposes bare flesh,
Spiked apparel, accessories, or any item that may be used as weapons.
The body must be covered FROM: the shoulder (sleeves past the seam with a minimum of one inch) shirts are not cut off.
Shoes must be worn at all times.
Thick/bulky jackets, coats, or other types of outdoor apparel are not allowed to be worn in the building except when arriving
or leaving; they are to remain appropriately stored at all times. If there is any doubt about dress and appearance, the
principal will make the final decision. Virginia School District conducts the “business” of youth and dress should conform to
standards appropriate to a business, not a playground.
Non-compliance with School Dress Code
This includes wearing clothing that mentions or promotes alcohol, tobacco, or drug products or any clothing that is
inappropriate in the school setting.
– 1st Offense: Student will be required to change clothes and may not return to class until appropriately attired.
– 2nd Offense: Detentions and/or Saturday detentions possible, one day suspension
– 3rd Offense: Saturday detentions, Suspension, Loss of ability to wear that article for the remainder of the year,
– “Check in Check out”
B. Electronic Policy
• Electronic devices, such as IPods, MP3 players, laser key
chains/pens/pointers, cell phones, smartphones, PDA’s, handheld portable
video games and other similar devices are not to be used and in the “off”
position during class instructional time. (This includes time out of the
class on a pass to another location during instructional time.)
• Violation of this policy shall be subject to the following consequences:
1st Offense: The electronic device shall be confiscated and held until the
parent/guardian accompanied by the student meets
• with the building principal before the device will be returned;
2nd Offense: The electronic device shall be confiscated and held by the
Superintendent for 30 days. After 30 days, the
• parent/guardian must meet with the Board of Education at the next
regularly scheduled board meeting before
• the device will be returned.
3rd Offense: The electronic device shall be confiscated and held by the
Superintendent for the remainder of the school year.
IV. Attendance
A. Unexcused