Section C: Olympic Games: a global perspective

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Section C: Olympic Games: a
global perspective
8. Dysfunctional aspects
Olympic Oath 2000
Win at all costs ethic
Rumours of widespread use of drugs
Risk taking, and ‘paying the price’
Testing as a deterrent
Soeul 1988 – drug bust
Sydney Olympics 2000 and Salt Lake City
Winter Olympics 2002
IOC stance on drugs
• 1967 IOC banned use of performance enhancing drugs in Olympic
• Drug use controls introduced in 1968 Winter Olympics
• World anti-doping agency set up in 1999 (WADA)
• WADA partially funded by the IOC
• WADA oversees testing in Olympic Games
• Blood/urine samples tested
• WADA activities include research / education / monitoring World
Anti-Doping code
• Introduced the ‘whereabouts’ system – athletes to be available for
• Athletes who test positive have medals stripped / disqualified /
Soeul drug bust
• Many athletes (10) tested positive
• Ben Johnson – tested positive - gold medal
winner of 100m
• Stripped of medal
• Medal given to Carl Lewis – who also had
tested positive prior to the Games
Arguments for taking
• Enhancing performance also takes place in
technology such as bicycles / shoes /
• Allowing athletes to train harder also happens
when unbanned substances are used to
recover from training / injury
• Drugs are unnatural substances / testosterone
is a natural substance