Katelyn - WRSC-HealthandHumanDevelopment2011

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Transcript Katelyn - WRSC-HealthandHumanDevelopment2011

Outcome 3. Multimedia
By Katelyn
Mental Health: Mental health is a disturbance in a person's
thoughts, feelings and behaviour.
Asthma: Asthma is a respitory condition that involves the
airways narrowing and swelling, as mucus is being produced.
Diabetes: Diabetes covers a range of conditions that cause
there to be too much glucose in the blood due to the body being
unable to produce the right amount of insulin to convert food
into energy.
Weight issues:
Overweight- can contribute to premature death and can be
caused by excess fatty food intake and not enough energy
expendature. (excercise).
Underweight- can also be caused in many health issues. Eating
disorders are commonly experienced by females adolescence.
1 in 10 young people are diagnosed with anorexia being male
as 2-3% of females will satisfy the criteria of annorexia.
Illicit drugs/ Drug use: Australians aged 14 years and over user
illicit drugs on a regular basis. Health problems
include;organs/nervous system damage, psychological problems
and mental illness. This can also be brought on by drug use.
Sun protection: Australia has one of the worlds highest rates of skin
cancer, it is well kown that over-exposer to the sun in the first 15
years of life is a major risk factor for the development of skin cancer
later in life.
Cyber-safety: Bullying has been reported and is the most serious
concerns for youth in school. Cyber-bullying is prevelant fo children
aged 11-16 years old. There has been a case where 90% of
schools have been bullyied or harrashed.
Homelessness:People that are homeless can go through a stage of
experiencing poor-mental health, barriers to education, reduced
employment opportunities, discrimination and social exclusion.
The impact on homeless people are ; family breakdowns and conflict,
health, education and social isolation. People that become homeless
often disrupts their familly life. It can distract family relationships where
youth leaves home and not keep in contact with their family. Parents can
often lose control over family activities and can be seperated due to the
nature of crisis services.
mental health-Homeless can result greatly of young people getting
involved with drugs and alcoholit has been found that homless youth
have drug and alcohol usage frequencies that were three times greater
then the averaged youth population. The impact of these behaviours can
include; disability and death.
Physical health: The physical health of homeless people is generally
poorer than their housed counterparts. Physical health can lead to a
range of problems such as; respitory problems, feet and dental and
personal hygiene.
Risk factors are physical, social and emotional risks that have
a negative impact on health, e.g. smoking tabacco as an
adolescent. Risk factors plays an inportant role in the
measurement of health. Health concerns of youth are often
interrelated. Many of the factors that contribute to these
concerns stem from risk factors. The risk factor for
homelessness include;
* seperation from parents
* experience child abuse
* family distruption
* mental health problems +
* addiction problems
People that are homeless often make positive decisions
regarding their health. When the community is directly
involved in strategies or programs there is greater likelihood
that an issue will be dealt within a way that is relevant to them.
Parents, family and peers can be a great support of youth
health, as they are familiar people to talk to about problems
and health issues. Everyone as a health care consumer has
certain rights and responsibilities such as;
* privacy
* choice
* be informed
* access health care
Responsibilities* ask questions and discuss concerns
* provide accurate as well as completwe information