Unit 11: Drugs that affect the CNS

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Transcript Unit 11: Drugs that affect the CNS

Nancy Pares, RN, MSN
NURS 1950
Metropolitan Community College
◦ Abnormal or uncontrolled neuronal
discharges in the brain
◦ affect
 Consciousness
 Motor activity
 Sensation
◦ Symptom of an underlying disorder-not a
disease itself
Infectious diseases
Metabolic disorders
Vascular diseases
Pediatric disorders
Neoplastic diseases
High dose of local anesthetics
Drug abuse
Withdrawal from alcohol
Withdrawal from sedative-hypnotics
Involuntary violent spasm of large
muscles of the face, neck, arms and
Not synonymous with seizure
Signs and symptoms
◦ Related to the area of the brain with
abnormal activity
Types-based on International
◦ Partial (focal)
◦ Generalized
◦ Special epileptic syndromes
Occur in limited portion of brain
Point of origin: abnormal focus or foci
Clients experience
Feeling that is vague
Hallucinations with all senses
Extreme emotions
Twitching of arms, legs or face
Altered levels of consciousness
Involve sensory, motor, autonomic
Aura commonly precedes seizure
No memory of seizure
Travel throughout the entire brain
◦ Absence
◦ Atonic
◦ Tonic-clonic
Common in children
Subtle symptoms
Transient loss of consciousness
Eyelid fluttering
Myclonic jerks
Usually last only a few seconds
Characterized by stumbling or falling
Most common
Usually preceded by aura
Tonic phase
Intense muscle contractions
Hoarse cry at onset
Loss of bowel/bladder control
Shallow breathing
Clonic phase
◦ Alternating contraction and relaxation of
Postictal state (post seizure)
◦ Drowsiness, disorientation, deep sleep
Febrile seizures
Myoclonic seizures
Status epilepticus
Last one –two minutes
Tonic clonic motor activity
Common in 3-5 year olds
Occur with rapid rise in body
Affect 5% of all children
Large jerking body movements
Quick contraction of major muscles
Stumbling and falling
Similar to normal infantile Moro reflex
Medical emergency
Continuously repeating seizure
Common with generalized tonic-clonic
Continuous muscle contractions
◦ May compromise airway
◦ May cause hypoglycemia, hypothermia,
◦ May produce lactic acid
The choice of drug depends upon
◦ Type of seizure
◦ Client history and diagnostic studies
◦ Pathologic process causing seizures
GABA= gamma aminobutyric acid
◦ Primary neuro transmitter of brain.
Drugs that potentiate GABA action
◦ Barbiturates
◦ Benzodiazepines
◦ Misc. agents
Prototype: phenobarbital (Luminal)
◦ Mechanism of action
 Changing the action of GABA
◦ Primary use
 Controlling seizures
◦ Adverse effects
 Dependence, drowsiness, vitamin deficiencies,
Prototype: diazepam (Valium)
◦ Mechanism of action
 Similar to barbiturates, but safer
◦ Primary use
 Short term seizure control
◦ Adverse effects
 Drowsiness and dizziness
Prototype: valproic acid (Depakene)
Mechanism of action:
◦ similar to benzo’s and barbiturates
Primary use
◦ Adjunct therapy
Adverse effects:
◦ Sedation, drowsiness, GI upset, prolonged
bleeding time
Prototype: phenytoin (Dilantin)
Mechanism of action:
◦ Desensitize sodium channel blockers
Primary use
◦ Treatment of all types of seizures, except absence
Adverse effects:
◦ CNS depression, gingival hyperplasia, skin rash,
cardiact dysrhythmias, and hypotension
Prototype drug: valproic acid (Depakene)
Mechanism of action:
◦ Desensitize sodium channels
Primary use:
◦ Absence seizures
Adverse effects:
◦ Limited CNS depression, visual disturbances, ataxia,
vertigo, HA, GI, hepatotoxicity, pancreatitis
Prototype: ethosuximide (Zarontin)
Mechanism of action
◦ Suppress calcium influx
Primary use
◦ Absence seizures
Adverse effects:
◦ Rare, but include drowsiness, dizziness, lethargy
◦ Rare, but serious: lupus, leukopenia, aplastic
anemia, Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Monitor for liver and kidney function
Category D in pregnancy
Depletion of nutrients
Alcohol and ginko biloba interactions
Client teaching
Use reliable contraception
Immediately report pregnancy
Report excessive bleeding,drowsiness, bone pain
Avoid alcohol and gingko biloba
Monitor for drug abuse potential
Pregnancy risk (category D)
Contraindicated in narrow angle glaucoma
Liver and kidney function monitored
Respiratory depression
In event of overdose
◦ Give flumazenil (Romazicon)
Give IV valium and ativan
Do not mix with other drugs in IV line
Client teaching
◦ Avoid ETOH, OTC drugs, herbal preps,
nicotine, driving and hazardous activities
◦ Rebound seizures if d/c abruptly
◦ Take with food
◦ These drugs most often used illegally
Monitor serum drug levels, liver and kidney
Monitor for bleeding disorders
Fatal hepatotoxicity can occur
◦ Hx of heart block or seizures due to low BS
Client teaching
◦ Routine labs; report s/s of toxicity, bleeding,
pregnancy, hypoglycemia
Monitor for liver and kidney function
Pregnancy category C
Adverse reactions:
◦ Drowsiness, HA, euphoria, n/v, weight loss, abd.
Life threatening reactions:
◦ Mental depression with suicide intent
◦ Blood dyscrasias and Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Symptoms of overdose
◦ CNS depression, stupor, ataxia, coma
Client teaching
Report mood changes or suicidal thoughts
Avoid driving and hazardous activities
Take with food
Do not stop abruptly
Report weight loss and anorexia
Start with smallest dose of med
Add additional drugs, if needed
Monitor serum drug levels
Withdrawal of meds
Seizure free for three years
Done gradually
Resume meds if seizures return
Knowledge of rebound seizures
Disturbed sensory perception RT
seizure activity
Risk for injury RT seizure activity
Deficient knowledge RT disease/drugs
Noncompliance RT drug regime
Noncompliance RT serum lab testing
Absence/reduction in number of
No injury during seizure
Understanding of disease
Understanding of drug regimen
Compliance with lab testing
◦ An agent that calms nervousness, irritability
and excitement
◦ An agent that induces sleep
Results from damage to the motor area
of the cerebral cortex
◦ Cerebral palsy
◦ severe head injury, spinal cord injury or
◦ stroke
◦ dystonia
Goals of muscle relaxants
◦ Minimize discomfort
◦ Increase ROM
◦ Improve ability to function independently
Centrally acting muscle relaxants
◦ Prototype: cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril)
◦ Mechanism of action
 Inhibits upper motor neuron activity
 Alters simple spinal reflexes, causes CNS depression
◦ Primary Use
 Treat localized spasms
◦ Adverse effects
 CNS depression, hepatic toxicity, physical dependence,
anticholinergic effects
Direct acting antispasmodics
◦ Prototype: dantrolene (Danantrium)
◦ Mechanism of action
 Interferes with release of calcium ions in skeletal
◦ Primary use
 Relieve dystonias and leg cramps
◦ Adverse effects
 Hepatic toxicity, muscle weakness, drowsiness,
◦ Monitor pain, LOC, vital signs
◦ Monitor muscle tone, ROM, degree of spasms
◦ Monitor labs
Nursing Dx
Impaired physical mobility
Risk for injury
Deficient knowledge
Decrease pain
Increase range of motion (ROM)
Reduce muscle spasms
No adverse effects of drugs
Knowledge of drug regimen