Transcript GOUT

Heterogeneous group of diseases involving :
An elevated serum urate concentration (hyperuricemia)
Recurrent attacks of acute arthritis in which monosodium urate
monohydrate crystals are demonstrable in synovial fluid
Aggregates of sodium urate monohydrate crystals (tophi)
deposited chiefly in and around joints, which sometimes lead to
deformity and crippling
Renal disease involving glomerular, tubular, and interstitial tissues
and blood vessels
Uric acid nephrolithiasis
Hyperuricemia : serum uric acid >7mg% (males) and >6mg% (females)
Prevalence of hyperuricemia
2.3 – 41.4% in various populations.
Corresponds with serum creatinine /BUN levels, body weight,
height, age, blood pressure, and alcohol intake. (Taiwan)
Body bulk (as estimated by body weight, surface area, or body mass
index) has proved to be one of the most important predictors of
hyperuricemia in people of widely differing races and cultures.
Incidence of Gout
Varies depending on population studied – 1.8 /1000 – 3.2/1000
RR for blacks slightly higher (1.3)
1977 ACR criteria for acute gout
The presence of characteristic urate crystals in the joint fluid, or a tophus
proved to contain urate crystals by chemical means or polarized light
microscopy, or the presence of 6 of the following 12 clinical, laboratory, and
radiographic phenomena:
1. More than one attack of acute arthritis
2. Maximum inflammation developed within 1 day
3. Monoarthritis attack
4. Redness observed over joints
5. First metatarsophalangeal joint painful or swollen
6. Unilateral first metatarsophalangeal joint attack
7. Unilateral tarsal joint attack
8. Tophus (proven or suspected)
9. Hyperuricemia
10. Asymmetric swelling within a joint on x ray/exam
11. Subcortical cysts without erosions on x ray
12. Monosodium urate monohydrate microcrystals in joint fluid during attack
13. Joint fluid culture negative for organisms during attack
Classification of Hyperuricemia and
Primary Hyperuricemia and Gout with
No Associated Condition
Uric acid undersecretion(80%–90%)
Urate overproduction (10%–20%)
HGPRT deficiency
PRPP synthetase overactivity
Secondary Hyperuricemia and Gout
with Identifiable Associated
Uric acid undersecretion
Renal insufficiency
Polycystic kidney disease
Lead nephropathy
Drugs(Diuretics,Salicylates (low
dose), Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol,Niaci
n, Cyclosporine, Didanosine )
Urate overproduction
Myeloproliferative/ Lymphoproliferative
diseases / Hemolytic
anemias/ Polycythemia vera/Other
Psoriasis/Glycogen storage disease
Dual mechanism
Obesity, ETOH,Hypoxemia and
Outcomes in Gout
Clinical outcomes
60% of untreated gout have attacks within 1 yr , 78% have
recurrence in 2 yrs, only 7% have no attacks in 10 yrs.
Chronic tophaceous gout develops after 10 -20 yrs of untreated
Incidence decreased from 14% in 1949 –> 3% in 1972.(Oduffy
et al)------’colchicine’ effect’
Hyperuricemia control superior to self medication alone.
Humanistic outcomes
Treatment outcomes decrease QOL in pts with gout.
Adherence to allopurinol only 56%. (Riedel et al , managed care
Economic outcomes
Direct burden annually is 27.4 million USD. (men only)
Patients with acute gout miss 3-5 days of work annually.
Average cost-effectiveness ratio for patients using urate-lowering
drugs is $487 to $983 compared with a cost of $5070 to $6571
for those not using these agents.
Clinical :
In men , initial attack monoarticular – 1st MTP joint(50% of cases)
Other jts involved – instep/knees/wrists/ olecranon bursa. Often
begins at night. Usually abrupt , severely painful.
Later attacks – polyarticular , assoc with systemic signs., most often
initial presenting complaint in women. (hands/tarsal jts/knees)
Precipitants – Minor trauma , ETOH, diuretic Rx, Surgery, severe
medical illness, hypouricemic Rx.
Tophi – Classically , helix/ antihelix ,but rare ; more common , hands,
feet, olecranon bursa. Complications : ulceration/infection.
Laboratory:- GOLD STANDARD
SF Analysis – WBC ct – 2000-100 000/ml
MSU crystals- needle shaped , negatively birefringent.
Serum Uric acid level – important in monitoring treatment .(42% normal levels)
24 hr uric acid collection –useful in young pts with gout/ + fam h/o
Punched out erosions –
only 45% of pts have
them, takes 6 yrs to
Martel’s sign
CT/MRI/US/Bone scan
Sensitive , non specific
Acute gouty arthritis:
Anti- inflammatory drugs ( if s.creat < 2mg/dl, no PUD)
Colchicine preferred in pts without confirmed diagnosis of gout.
Endpoints – improvement in jt symptoms/ GI symptoms/ 10 doses taken.
NSAIDs if diagnosis confirmed. Any NSAID can be used .
Newer agents – Etoricoxcib 120 OD comparable to indomethacin 50 TID.
In c/o renal failure /PUD - IM ACTH , oral /iv prednisone.
Avoid adjusting dosage of urate lowering agents.
Prophylaxis :
Only indicated if patient is started on urate lowering Rx.
Colchicine( 1-3 pills a day)/ NSAID( in colchicine intolerant).
Does not alter crystal deposition and development of tophi.
Continue till serum urate levels stabilize and no attacks for 3 – 6 mths.
If long term prophylactic colchicine given, check CBC ,CK every 6 mths.
Treatment (contd)
Control of hyperuricemia
Differing opinions regarding initiation esp. around 1st
Clear evidence if erosions + on X-ray / chronic
tophaceous gout/ >2 gout attacks per year.
Goal : s. urate levels < 6 mg%.
Serial s. uric acid at least once every 6 mths upon
Choice of agents :
Xanthine oxidase inhibitor
Uricosuric agents.
Equal efficacy in pts with normal renal function and
who excrete < 800 mg/day of uric acid.
Treatment (contd)
Xanthine oxidase inhibitors
Allopurinol- only prescription drug available.
Renally excreted, therefore adjust dose if s.creat > 2mg% or CrCl <50
Usually DOC in most patients.
S/E – GI / rash / sarcoid like reaction/Allopurinol hypersensitivity
Drug interaction – esp. with 6 MP/azathioprine/ warfarin/theophylline.
Desensitization protocols exist.
Oxypurinol – possible option
Uricosuric agents
Indications – no h/o renal calculi , pts <60 yrs, U.A excretion < 800 mg/d
CI - + nephrolithiasis, renal insufficiency
Limit ASA to 81 mg/day
Probenecid/ Benzbromarone
Treatment (contd)
Adjuvant Rx
Control obesity ,ETOH intake, hyperlipidemia ,HTN
Losartan / fenofibrate – weakly uricosuric
Diet – moderation in purine intake. Makes a difference of up to
1mg % in s. uric acid.
Beer, other alcoholic beverages.
Anchovies, sardines in oil, fish roes, herring.
Organ meat (liver, kidneys, sweetbreads)
Legumes (dried beans, peas)
Meat extracts, consommé, gravies.
Mushrooms, spinach, asparagus, cauliflower
Treatment (contd)
Newer agents
 PEG- uricase
 Febuxostat
Asymptomatic hyperuricemia
 Investigate cause
 No recommendations for Rx.