The Center for Translational Neuroscience, 4 years of progress.

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Center for Translational Neuroscience
Seminar Series
Tuesday, September 9, 2008, 12 noon
Rayford Auditorium, Biomed II Bldg.
The Center for Translational Neuroscience,
4 years of progress.
Edgar Garcia-Rill, PhD
Center for Translational Neuroscience
Dept. Neurobiology & Dev. Sci.
During the initial award, we generated >$12 million in new grants to investigators and recruits,
and published >130 articles or chapters and >135 abstracts or presentations. We devised a new
and effective treatment for tinnitus, developed a device as well as a new drug treatment for
hyperreflexia and spasticity after spinal cord injury, we developed a cure (elimination of
symptoms) for spatial neglect, discovered a novel mechanism for sleep-wake control that will
also impact the mechanisms behind anesthesia, and have begun to decrease the death rate among
low birth weight babies in the State. However, we need an additional period of support in order
to increase our critical mass of investigators, secure PPG and P50 awards, graduate from the
program, and become an independent Center for Translational Neuroscience. We propose to 1)
strengthen and augment translational neuroscience research through mentoring promising Junior
clinician and basic scientists by established, dedicated senior Mentors, 2) expand the research
programs of Early career investigators by forming research teams including successful,
previously supported investigators and new Junior investigators mentored by multiple established
senior investigators, 3) enhance the infrastructure critical for expanding translational
neuroscience research by supporting, upgrading and expanding our Core Facilities, 4) increase
the critical mass of translational neuroscience researchers at UAMS by recruiting 5 additional
junior scientists, 5) maintain our successful Career Development Program for young investigators
and institute a new Leadership Program for established and young researchers, who will be
required to meet specific performance milestones, and 6) develop a strategy to "graduate" from
COBRE support that will ensure the continuity of the CTN. The Research Plan proposed is
designed to meet these aims and create a permanent Center for Translational Neuroscience.
Given the successes outlined in our Progress Report, and despite dramatic changes in funding
availability, we are confident that we will meet our goals in achieving "graduation" from this
program. We look forward to continuing to mentor additional promising clinician and basic
scientists, and help improve health care for our citizens.