Alcohol and You

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Journal 1
$524 Billion
What does this number represent?
$524 Billion
The annual cost of substance abuse on
the U.S. economy
Productivity losses caused by premature deaths
Treatment of substance abusers
Destruction of Property
How Much is $524 Billion
$524 Billion =
1,907,834 Ferrari 512 TR’s (45 for everyone in
138 billion gallons of gas (fill up your Ferrari
over 5 billion times)
True or False?
Alcohol is a Drug
Alcohol Is:
 A Drug.
 considered to be a drug--anything that alters the mind.
 Illegal
 Anyone who possess or consumes an alcoholic beverage
before the age of 21 is breaking the law.
 A Depressant.
 alcohol depresses your central nervous system, which effects
every part of your body.
 A Toxin.
 A toxin is a substance that is poisonous. If large amounts are
swallowed, it is rejected by the stomach, causing vomiting.
Alcohol Is:
Alcohol- a drug found in certain beverages
that depresses the brain and nervous
Fermentation- the process in which
alcohol is made. Yeast, sugar, and water
are combined to produce alcohol and
carbon dioxide.
True or False?
Coffee and other items that have caffeine
can help sober someone up.
The only thing that can sober someone up
is TIME!!!
Does anyone know how long it takes for
one drink to get out of the body?
True or False?
A shot of rum has the same amount of
alcohol as a can of beer.
12 oz beer =
4 oz of wine =
1.5 oz distilled spirits =
Alcohol: Liquor, Beer, Wine, OH MY!
 Liquor- an alcoholic
beverage that is
made by distillation
(higher alcohol
Whiskey, bourbon, rye,
run, gin, vodka, tequila,
and brandy
AKA Distilled Spirits
Mostly around 40
percent alcohol
Alcohol: Liquor, Beer, Wine, OH MY!
 Beer- an alcoholic beverage
that is made by fermenting
barley, corn, or rye.
 Mostly around 4 percent
 Malt Liquor- beer that has a
higher alcohol content than
regular beer
 Light beer- beer that has
fewer calories than regular
beer but about the same
alcohol content
Alcohol: Liquor, Beer, Wine, OH MY!
 Wine- an alcohol made from fermenting grapes or other
 Mostly around 12-14 percent alcohol
 Wine Cooler- carbonated, fruit flavored alcoholic beverage
(1.5-6 percent alcohol)
Alcohol Proof
Proof- a measure of the amount of alcohol
in the beverage
Proof of a beverage is double the number of the
alcohol percent
Example- if a drink has 20 percent alcohol in it,
the proof would be 40
True or False?
Alcohol helps people deal with stress.
Alcohol can actually cause stress …
Can you think of how?
What are some healthy ways to reduce
Stress Management
• Exercise
• Do not procrastinate
• Organization
• Enough sleep
• Talking with someone
Alcohol Absorption
 Absorbed directly into
blood stream
 Process of absorption
20% in stomach
75% in small intestines
5% in mouth and throat
BAC: Blood Alcohol
Blood Alcohol Concentration- the amount
of alcohol in a person’s blood. It is given
as a percentage.
The higher the BAC, the greater the effects of
alcohol on the body
Other factors can effect Blood Alcohol
Other Factors Influencing BAC
 How much you drink
 How fast you drink
 Body weight
 Food in stomach
 Type of alcohol
 Type of mixer
 Temperature of drink
 Whether you are male
of female
 Mixing medications
with alcohol can be
 Women are at a
higher risk for alcoholmedication reactions.
 Mixing can cause
serious accidental
Alcohol and the Body
Short Term Effects
 Hangover -- headache, intense thirst, nausea, vomiting, extreme sensitivity to light
and noise, blurry vision, shakiness, and exhaustion
 Loss of consciousness
 Falling or running into things, causing injury or death
 Inability to make good decisions
 Unplanned and/or unsafe sexual activity
 Increased risk of sexual assault
 Getting into trouble with authorities
 Damaging property
 Behaving aggressively and getting into fights
 Alcohol poisoning -- nausea and/or vomiting; can progress to unconsciousness,
coma, or death
 Respiratory arrest
 Choking to death on vomit
 Sudden death from stroke
 Increased risk of drowning
 Loss of reasoning ability, movement control, and reaction speed -- all of which make
you deadly behind the wheel of a car
Long Term Effects
Birth Defects
Liver Damage
Heart Disease
Bone Damage
Brain Damage
 Weakened vision.
 Malnutrition (because heavy drinkers
often drink rather than eat.)
 Water retention (resulting in weight
gain and bloating.)
 Skin disorders (such as middle-age
 Dilated blood vessels near the skin
causing "brandy nose."
 Heartburn, nausea, gastritis, and
 Poor digestion and inflammation of the
small and large intestines.
 Sexual problems in men and women.
 Reduced sperm count, less motile
(active and quick) sperm, and
abnormal sperm cells.
 Menstrual difficulties, irregular or
absent cycles, and decreased fertility.
 Early menopause.
Social Norms
True or False?
87% of all sexual assaults involve alcohol.
Why do you think?
Lowers inhibitions
Acquaintance/Date Rapes
True or False?
More than 70% of drowning deaths involve
people who have been drinking.
Drinking alcohol effects your reaction time
and coordination.
Driving Drunk
 Why do people drink and
 Alcohol-induced loss of
 Lack of planning
 Rationalization
 Overconfidence
 Lack of education
 Pressure
 http://www.healthteacher.
Illegal for You!
Virginia Alcohol Laws state the following:
It is illegal for someone under the age
of 21 to buy, possess, drink or serve alcoholic
It is illegal to use an altered, fictitious,
facsimile or simulated identification to
purchase alcohol
It is illegal to sell alcohol to anyone
under the age of 21 or intoxicated
It is illegal to sell alcohol without a
It is illegal to buy alcohol without a
It is illegal to consume alcohol in any
unlicensed public place
It is illegal to appear in public
it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle
while under the influence of alcohol
True or False
Alcohol poisoning is not a big deal.
Alcohol poisoning is a HUGE deal and
needs to be dealt with immediately. Signs
of alcohol poisoning include
Decrease in circulation
Decreased breathing
Pale/clammy skin
Loss of consciousness
Different Types of Drinkers
 Experimental Drinker
 Social Drinker
 Problem Drinker
Binge Drinking
 Heavy Drinker
Binge Drinking
What is binge drinking?
When 5 drinks are
consumed by a male or
4 by a woman are
consumed in a setting
Effects of Binge
 Symptoms of Alcohol
Cold, Clammy, pale,
bluish skin
Slow or irregular
Alcoholism: What is it?
 The state of being
physically dependent
on the drug alcohol. A
strong desire to
continue drinking
heavily is almost
always present.
 There are
approximately 12-15
million alcoholics in
the United States.
Alcoholism: Signs and Symptoms
 Keep bottles hidden for quick
 Start drinking without
conscious planning
 Deny drinking
 Drinking alone
 May have “blackouts”
 From hangovers to “DTs”
 Problems keeping healthy
 Giving up activities to drink
 Feeling depressed or even
Alcoholism: Treatment Choices
Medical Treatment
Inpatient & outpatient programs
Therapeutic communities
Twelve-step programs
Employee/student assistance programs
Pharmacological approaches
Death of an innocent
I went to a party, Mom, I remembered what you said. You told
me not to drink,
Mom, So I drank soda instead. I really felt proud inside, Mom,
The way you said I would. I don’t drink and drive, Mom, Even
through the others said I should. I know I did the right thing,
Mom, I know you are always right. Now the party is finally
ending, Mom, As everyone is driving out of sight. As I got into
my car, Mom, I knew I’d get home in one piece. Because of the
way you raised me, so responsible and so sweet. I started to
drive away, Mom, But as I pulled out into the road, the other car
did not see me, Mom, and hit me like a load. As I lay there on
the pavement, Mom, I hear the policemen say “the other guy is
drunk, Mom, and now I’m the one who will pay.