Transcript Slide 1

Tobacco, Nicotine and
Drugs - Day 3
5. What do you think is the
worst drug that a person
could use?
6. Why is this drug the worst?
What does it do to you?
Drug Abuse
Alcohol and
Day 3
Legal Drugs
• Most drugs are made to
be medicines.
– Vaccines are injected into
a person to make them
resistant to a disease
before getting it.
– Antibiotics are drugs
produced by tiny living
organisms that are used to
fight germs.
– Sulfa drugs are chemicals
made to kill germs.
Legal Drugs
• More people abuse legal
drugs than illegal ones – 4.7
million Americans abuse
prescription and over-thecounter drugs every year.
– 2.5 million used pain relievers
like Oxycodone or morphine.
– 1.5 million used tranquilizers
and sedatives like Valium and
– 761,000 used stimulants like
Illegal Drugs
• Stimulants are drugs that speed up the
body’s functions.
– A person using a stimulant feels excited and
– Stimulants can speed a person up until they
die of a stroke or heart attack.
– Stimulants are very addictive.
– Weaker stimulants include drugs like
Illegal Stimulants Include…
• Amphetamines: Usually taken as a pill, it is
referred to as “Speed.” They are very addictive
and cause strokes and heart attacks.
• Cocaine: Also very addictive, “Coke” was a
huge problem drug in the 80’s. This powder is
snorted or smoked for quick bursts of energy,
followed by intense depression and emptiness.
• Crack: Is a more pure and powerful type of
cocaine that can be addictive after only one
• The most often abused drugs are stimulants
and depressants.
• Depressants are drugs that slow down your
body’s functions and reactions.
• Someone that abuses depressants puts
themselves at risk for a coma. These include:
– Narcotics: Drugs meant to bring on sleep or a
loss of feeling.
– Heroin: A very powerful and strongly addictive
drug. Addicted users who can’t get the drug are
in constant pain.
• Known as “pot,” “grass” and many
other names, Marijuana is a drug
made from a plant that is either
smoked or eaten.
• Though not as dangerous as
cocaine or heroin it does increase
blood pressure, lower body
temperature, slow reaction time
and interfere with the proper
working of muscles.
• Over time, marijuana damages the heart, lungs
and brain.
• Marijuana is a gateway drug. People who use
this drug are much more likely to try more
dangerous drugs.
• Most potheads
also lack
motivation in
everyday life.
• Hallucinogens are drugs that cause the
user’s brain to form images of things that
are not really there.
• PCP: Phencyclidine or “angel dust”
removes the body’s sense of pain, giving
people a false sense of power.
– PCP is very powerful and dangerous – its
effects last for long time periods. It can cause
blood vessels in the brain to burst, heart
attacks and comas.
• Inhalants are substances
whose fumes are inhaled
to get a high by killing
brain cells.
• Though there are many
side-effects of huffing the
worst is the killing of brain
cells, which will never
grow back.
• Arguably the most painful
part of a drug abusers life
will be quitting.
• The drug addict will go
through a series of painful
physical and mental
symptoms called
withdrawal as the body
gets used to not having the
• This is a time of shaking,
vomiting, hallucinations and
excruciating pain where
most addicts will
desperately try to get more
How Can You Convince Your
Friends to Quit?
• Whether it be tobacco, alcohol
or other drugs there are many
ways to help your friends quit:
– Refusing to do drugs with
– Don’t abandon them;
convince them to do
something else with you
besides drugs. For
example, have them join a
club you are in.
How Can You Convince Your
Friends to Quit?
• Honestly tell them how
drugs have negatively
affected your friendship
and ask them to stop.
• Have an intervention with
other friends and family
• If they are trying to quit
be with them to keep
them clean in hard times.