Transcript Document

More on Generic Drugs
Global Classrooms 2013
Rachel Hunkler
Non-communicable diseases
• Also known as “chronic diseases”
• They are not contagious!
– Ex: cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, MS, arthritis, heart
• “…non-communicable disease…accounts for more
than 60 percent of deaths globally (80% in the
developing world)”
• Big Pharma relies on profits from the sales of
medicines for these diseases
• Big Pharma says nations abuse the rights to issue
compulsory licenses
– Especially middle-income nations with noncommunicable diseases!
1 Global Classrooms, . Global Classrooms. World Health
Organization (WHO). Print.
Stop and think…
• Out of 57 million global deaths in 2008, 36
million (63%) were due to non-communicable
diseases. Do you think this is a problem that
the UN needs to tackle??
• Many developed nations have strict patent
protection laws. They say that diseases such
as cancer and diabetes are less than an
emergency than HIV/AIDs, malaria, and TB.
What do you think??
Generic Drug Market
• 79% of the world market relies on generic drugs
• 80% of all generic AVRs (drugs to fight HIV/AIDs) are
made in India!
• Top generic drug companies:
– Ratiopharm (Germany)
– Teva Pharmaceutical Industries (Israel)
– Ranbaxy (India)
• In 2012, many AVR patents expired and many more
will expire in 2014. What does this mean for Big
“Tiered Pricing”
GPD per capita (in
$47, 882
Brand-Name Drug
$10, 994
• Tiered Pricing allows developing nations to buy directly
from Big Pharma companies at lower prices.
• Tiered Pricing reduces the need for compulsory licenses.
• How does this affect low-income countries
• How does this affect middle-income countries
“Patent Pooling”
• UNITAID = UN initiative dealing with the
purchase of medical drugs
• Clinton Foundation + UNITAID = “Medical
Patent Pool” program
Generic Drug
for HIV/AIDs
Generic Drug
for Malaria
Medical Patent Pool
Drug for TB
Recent International Agreements
• TRIPS Agreement in 1994
– 20-year patent period became the law
– Compulsory patent licenses can be issued in times
of severe emergencies
• Doha Declaration in 2011
– If one nation issues a compulsory license, other
nations can simply buy the drugs from that nation
Up for Debate…
• Is it fundamentally unfair for generic drugs to be
produced at all? Is it right that smaller companies
can make money of the R&D of large
pharmaceutical companies? Does the fact that it
makes lifesaving drugs more accessible make a
• Since lifesaving drugs are generally inaccessible to
the world’s poor during the patent period, critics
charge that major drug companies are simply
profiting at the expense of the lives of the world’s
poor. Given that patents make drugs less
accessible, is it right to patent them at all?
Global Classrooms, . Global Classrooms. World Health Organization (WHO). Print.