Anonymity - Background

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Anonymity - Background
Prof. Newman, instructor
352-505-1579 (don’t leave message)
Office Hours (tentative): 10-noon TR
[email protected] - subject: Anon ...
Read Pfitzman & Waidner
Read Chaum Mix paper
Start discussion of these Friday
Reading list (approximate) on web page
What is Anonymity
Literally, lacking a name (a + onyma)
Inability to attribute artifact or actions
Related to privacy - how?
Take a minute or two to define privacy
Share with your neighbor(s)
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What is Privacy?
Ability of an entity to control its own space
Physical space
Bodily space
Data space
Communication space
What else?
What are examples of privacy in these spaces?
Physical space
Bodily space
Data space
Communication space
What other spaces can you think of?
Privacy Spaces
Physical space:
Bodily space:
identity, activity, status, records
Communication space:
medical consent, battery
Data space:
invasion, paparazzi, location (GPS)
email, Internet privacy, correspondents, phone #,
address, stalking, harassment
Overlap in spaces (e.g., location)
Need for Privacy/Anonymity
Planning/execution in competition
Fundamental right – voting, celebrities
Philosophical necessity (free will)
Restarting when past can cripple
Statutory requirements (HIPAA, FISMA)
Liability issues – data release
Freedom/survival in repressive environments
Increasing pressure from technologies
Privacy/Anonymity Threats
Available surveillance technology
Identification technology
Increasing use of databases
Data mining
Identity theft
Increasing requirements for I&A
Increasing governmental desire for surveillance
Surveillance Facts
1.5 million CCTV cameras installed in UK post
911 – Londoner on camera ~300 times a day
Face recognition software used in Tampa for
5000 public surveillance cameras known in DC
Home and work zipcodes give identity in 5% of
cases in US
Count number of video cameras you encounter
all day for one day.
Record locations, submit when Canvas up.
Tally total, share total with class Friday.
Data Reidentification
Even ”scrubbed” data can be re-identified
Characteristics within the data (e.g., word
usage in documents)
Intersection attacks on k-anonymized database
set releases
Use of known outside data in combination with
released data
Data mining – higher dimensional space gives
greater specificity!
What are legitmate limitations on anonymity?
Write down 1-2 of these
Share with neighbor
Share with class
Limitations on Anonymity
Legal/criminal issues
Social expectations
Competing need for trust
Forms of Anonymity
Traffic Analysis Prevention
Sender, Recipient, Message Anonymity
Voter Anonymity
Revokable anonymity
Data anonymity
Anonymity Mechanisms
Traffic Analysis Prevention (TAP)
Mixes, crowds
Data sanitization/scrubbing
Global vs. Restricted
All links vs. some links
All network nodes vs. some or no nodes
Passive vs. Active
Passive – listen only
Active – remove, modify, replay, or inject new
Cryptography Assumptions
All unencrypted contents are observable
All encrypted contents are not, without key
Public Key Cryptography
Two keys, K and K-1, associated with entity A
K is public key, K-1 is private key
Keys are inverses: {{M}K}K-1 = {{M}K-1}K = M
For message M, ciphertext C = {M}K
Anyone can send A ciphertext using K
Only A has K-1 so only A can decrypt C
For message M, signature S = {M}K-1
Anyone can verify M,S using K
Only A can sign with K-1
Details we omit
Limit on size of M, based on size of K
Need to format M to avoid attacks on PKC
Use confounder to foil guessed ptxt attacks
Typical use of one-way hash H to distill large M
to reasonable size for signing
Typical use of PKC to distribute symmetric key
for actual encryption/decryption of larger
See for standards
Chaum – Untraceable Mail
Wish to receive email anonymously, but
Be able to link new messages with past ones
Respond to the sender
Do not trust single authority (e.g., Paypal)
Underlying message delivery system is
Global active adversary
Chaum Mix 1
Mix is like a special type of router/gateway
It has its own public key pair, K1 and K1-1
Recipient A also has public key pair, Ka and Ka-1
Sender B prepends random confounder Ra to
message M, encrypts for A: Ca = {Ra|M}Ka
B then prepends confounder for mix to C and
encrypts for mix: C1 = {R1|A|Ca}K1
B sends C1 to mix, which later send Ca to A
Chaum Mix 2
Mix simply decrypts and strips confounder from
message to A
Incoming message and outgoing message do
not appear related
Use padding to ensure same length (some
technical details here)
Gather a batch of messages from different
sources before sending them out in permuted
Chaum Mix
As long as messages are not repeated,
adversary can't link an incoming message with
an outgoing one (anonymous within the batch)
Mix can discard duplicate messages
B can insert different confounder in repeats
B can use timestamps – repeats look different
Mix signs message batchs, sends receipt to
This allows B to prove to A if a message was not
Cascading Mixes 1
If one mix is good, lots of mixes are better!
B prepares M for A by selecting sequence of
mixes, 1, 2, 3, … , n.
Message for A is prepared for Mix 1
Message for Mix 1 is prepared for Mix 2
… Message for Mix n-1 is prepared for Mix n
Layered message is sent to Mix n
Each mix removes its confounder, obtains
address of next mix (or A), and forwards when
batch is sent in permuted order
Cascading Mixes 2
Mix in cascade that fails to forward a message
can be detected as before (the preceding mix
gets the signed receipt)
Any mix in cascade that is not compromised
can provide unlinkability
This gets us anonymous message delivery, but
does not allow return messages
Return Addresses 1
B generates a public key Kb for the message
B seals its true address and another key K
using the mix's key K1: RetAddr = {K,B}K1, Kb
A sends reply M to mix along with return
address: Reply = {K,B}K1, {R0|M}Kb
Mix decrypts address and key, uses key K to reencrypt reply: {{R0|M}Kb}K and send to B
Return Addresses 2
B must generate a new return address for each
message (K and Kb) so there are no duplicates
Mix must remove duplicates if found
Symmetric cryptography may be used for both
K and Kb here (but not for mix key!)
Can cascade return messages by building the
return address in reverse order, then peeling off
layers as the reply is forwarded (and encrypted)
along the return path