Transcript Chapter 18

Chapter 19
The Era of
Progressive Reform
Chapter 19
Section 1
The Origins of Progressivism
I. Describe the new reform ideas that took hold at
the turn of the century.
A. Two Leading Reformers
1- Henry George
a) poverty arose because some people bought and
held land until its price went up. Prevented land
b) single tax – land not being used.
2- Edward Bellamy
a) government control and promotion of businesses.
I. Describe the new reform ideas that took hold at
the turn of the century.
B. Socialists
C. Labor Movement
1) Bellamy’s view of government control
2) Socialist Party won elections in municipal (city) government
1) Unions focused on hours, wages, and working conditions.
2) Injunctions – court orders
D. Municipal Reform
1) Opposed political bosses
2) Home Rule – a system by which cities exercise a limited degree
of self-rule.
II. Summarize the methods muckrakers used to
bring about reforms.
A. Muckraker
1- Journalist who uncovers wrongdoing on the
part of politicians or corporations.
2- Upton Sinclair – The Jungle – meat packing
III. List the goals that most progressive reformers
had in common.
A. Progressive Era
1) Period from about 1890 to 1920, during which a variety of
reforms were enacted at the local, state, an federal levels.
B. An Expanded Role for Government
1) Government must play a larger role in regulating economic
2) Opposed government control of businesses.
3) Social welfare programs – ensured a basic standard of living for
all Americans. Unemployment, accident, health insurance.
III. List the goals that most progressive reformers
had in common.
C. Women work for reform
1) Jane Addams – need for government help
2) Florence Kelley – labor issues
• a) NCL – National Consumers’ League
D. Resistance to Progressive Reforms
1) Employers who relied on child labor, unfair and unsafe
working conditions.
Chapter 19
Section 2
Progressive Legislation
I. Describe urban reforms that took place during
the Progressive Era.
A. Attacking the Bosses
B. Cities take over Utilities
1) Battle between reformers and old political
1) Break-up of monopoly utilities: water, gas, electricity
2) City control or city-owned utilities
C. Providing Welfare Services
1) Public baths, parks, work-relief programs, homeless
II. Summarize the reforms made in state
government that gave voters more power.
A. More Power to Voter
1- Direct Primaries
 Election in which voters cast ballots to select
nominees for upcoming elections
2- 17th Amendment
 Voters allowed to chose their U.S. Senator
3- Initiative
 Citizens can propose new laws on a petition
4- Referendum
 Citizens may demand a law be approved or rejected
5- Recall
 Ability to remove public officials
II. Summarize the reforms made in state
government that gave voters more power.
B. Reforms of the Workplace
1) Worked to end unsafe working conditions
2) Departments of Labor created
III. List the reforms that took place at the federal
A. Theodore Roosevelt’s “Square Deal”
1) Regulated food and drug industries
 a) Pure Food and Drug Act 1906
 b) Meat Inspection Act 1906
2) Regulated railroads
 a) Hepburn Act 1906
III. List the reforms that took place at the federal
B. Antitrust Activism
C. Protecting the Environment
1) Holding Company – corporation that holds the stocks and
bonds of numerous companies.
2) Anti-trust loop-hole
1) Creation of national parks
2) U.S. Forest Service 1905
D. New Labor Department
1) Women and Children Bureaus
III. List the reforms that took place at the federal
E. New Constitutional Amendments
1) 16th Amendment (1913)
2) 17th Amendment (1913)
Congress has the power to levy income taxes.
Direct election of senators.
3) 18th Amendment (1919)
Prohibited the manufacture and sale of liquor.