Coaches Survey

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Coaches Survey: Mining the Data
PA High School Coaching Initiative
May 8, 2006
Points of Analysis
 Coaches’ activities
 School climate and the principal’s role
 School climate and coaches’ activities
 Previous positions and coaches’ activities
Life of a Coach
A large majority of coaches report daily or weekly
involvement in the following activities:
Providing a listening ear for teachers’ concerns
Locating and creating classroom resources
Planning lessons with teachers
Communicating PLN pedagogy to staff not enrolled in the
40—60% of Coaches report never engaging in the
following activities:
 Facilitating inter-class visitations
 Leading study groups
 Training teachers how to analyze student data
Write-in Activities
Coaches named these additional
activities most frequently:
 Supporting teachers with curriculum and
 Developing and administering
 Providing and attending PD sessions
Role of the Principal
Coaches consistently assessed their school’s
professional climate more positively when they
saw the principal as a useful resource.
They were especially likely to say:
 The staff is encouraged to listen to new ideas
 Teachers are supported to excel in their
 The school has a clear focus on how to improve
student achievement
School Climate and Coaches’ Activities
73% of coaches report that at their school “staff is
encouraged to listen to new ideas.”
Of all the activities, these coaches were much more
likely to engage in the following:
 Plan lessons with teachers
 Conduct in-class modeling
 Analyze student data
 Train teachers on how to analyze student data
 Communicate PLN pedagogy to staff not enrolled in courses
 Provide a listening ear for teachers’ concerns
Lead study groups
Lead PD sessions for staff
Facilitate inter-class visitation among classroom teachers
Locate and create classroom resources
Distribute professional development literature
Coaches’ Previous Position
In school year 2004--2005, coaches held
the following positions:
 Classroom Teacher—67%
 Teacher Leader—12%
 Department Head—10%
Previous Positions and Current Activities
 Former Teacher Leaders and Department Heads
were more likely to facilitate inter-class
 This same group was also somewhat more likely
to communicate PLN pedagogy to staff not
enrolled in the course
 Former Classroom Teachers were somewhat
more likely to plan lessons with teachers, do inclass modeling, & locate and create classroom
Coaches Survey: Mining the Data
PA High School Coaching Initiative
May 8, 2006