The East Asian economic Miracle

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The East Asian economic
core area: Japan
dr. Jeney László
Senior lecturer
[email protected]
Economic Geography
I. International Business bachelor study programme (BA)
Autumn term 2015/2016.
CUB Department of Economic Geography and Futures Studies
The area of the East Asia and Far
Far East (Wider East Asia)
– Northeast Asia (Siberia,
Russian Far East)
– East Asia (Japan, Korea,
China, Mongolia)
– Southeast Asia (Mainland SEA,
Insular SEA)
Large World region: East
– Territory: 12 mn km2 (8% of
the World)
– Population: 1,6 bn (23% of
the World)  WR1.
East Asian miracle
Late 20th century: reemergence of East Asia
Political, economic and cultural impacts
Refocuses the global economic growth and political
power on the Pacific Region
Interactas to the globalization trends and
The Japanese way to the
economic miracle
Japan: more than 2000 years old
historical past
Till the early 18th cent. XVII.: empires (tenno)
– Cultural and trading relations to other East Asian areas (mainly
China, but Korea as well)
– Capital: Kyoto
Power of army (leader shogun)  totally isolation
(dynasty of Tokugawa shogun)
– Centralized, on feudal basis
– Capital: Edo (today: Tokyo)
Late 18th century: unsuccessful economic contacts by
– Mid-19th century: successful contacts by the USA
– Followed by the English, Dutch, French, Russian traders
1868–1912: restoration of the power of empire
(Mutsuhito tenno)
– Meiji period
Reforms of education
Till that time the majority of society was
Introduction of compulsory elementary
education (earlier than more developed
– 1880s: 6–13 years old boys 54%, girls 19% attended
– 1900: 95% alphabet
More skilled manpower  adoption of Western
Meiji reforms: civil change, rapid
Instead of feudal system  former peasantry  cheap
manpower for the modernizing economy
First manufactures
– Initially capital concentration in the richest feudal families 
monopole organisations
Important role of state
Stabilization of the capitalist order
Central Bank: development of heavy industry, transport
Cancellation of the feudal social hierarchy
New administrative system (46 prefectures)
Permission of free movement of citizens
Cancellation of inner tolls  single market of the country
The East Asian economic Miracle
The only one world region in the focuses of the
world economy starting not on the basis of the
Western civilization
– Maintenance of its own culture and traditions
Japan: the way to the economic power
– Under a historically uneven short period
– An outstanding rapidly growing economy for decades
Korea, Taiwan and Southeast Asia: follow the
Japanese sample
China: political-military, cultural, and
increasingly economic power
The Japanese economy changed
massively after WWII
Post-war period: present government, economy
and constitution were put in place
1960–1990: contribution to total world GDP
grew from 3.5 to 14 %
– Primary sector declined from 33 to 1 percent
– Service sector rose from 38 to 68 percent
From 1990s: Japanese economy slowed
– China’s GDP 1.5 times higher
– But per capita GDP remained much higher in Japan
($35.000) than in China ($6.000)
After reconstruction
– WWII: Japanese industry destroyed
– After war: US poured money to rebuild the industries and
– Cold War, Communist takeover in China, Korean war  US
became opened to Japanese products
Advantageous environment for Japan
Cheap raw material on world markets
– Transportation innovation: building large oil tankers and carriers
(oil from SW-Asia, iron ore from Australia)
Own low-cost, young labour force
1960s: 10 % economic growth
Firms indorsed profits back into new developments
Better wages  Japanese consumers could buy a range
of home-made products
1970s: increasing costs and „just
in time”
1970s: increased oil prices
Japan depended on imported oil for 70 % energy needs
reduced costs of hydroelectricity and nuclear power
Factory closures  social problems, unemployment (e.g. Osaka)
Investments to light industries (producing cameras, household
Firstly copied others’ technologies and designs, later initiator
Older industries (steelmaking, shipbuilding, petrochemicals, cement
making) suffered from overcapacity on world markets
By 2000 half of the world’s industrial robots (4x installed than in
the US)
„Just-in-time” deliveries cut warehousing costs
Toyota: employed more human skills instead of indiscriminate use of
robotics (  too expensive)
1980s huge export income  caused the yen to double in value
compared to other currencies
Japanese export became more costly for other countries
Imports became cheaper
From 1980s: global investments
Large yen trading surpluses  Japanese
corporations invested more
Firstly: bought out foreign mineral suppliers
Later: established Japanese factories abroad
Answer to quotas on import of home-made cars
– First major investments in US and GB, from late
1980s then in Southeast Asia  economic growth of
NIC countries
– Mid-1990s investments in cheap-labour assembly-line
factories by moving design and research facilities to
– Early 2000s: increasing investments in China (mainly
to Dalian) – huge trade deficit to China
Renewed economic challenges
Early 2000s: J faced a need to change
Investments resulted huge debts  banking system
under pressure
Western countries imitated Japanese production
processes (Toyotism)
Japan looked more closely at Western ways in relation
to financial control
Trade surplus  rapid growth of financial and business
1986: Tokyo became the second financial centre 
further population increases
Increase in service occupation  widened range of
Diversified economy  not so dependent on
fluctuations of world markets