Transcript Money

What Is Money and Why Do We Need It?
Money Assets that people are generally willing to accept in exchange for
goods and services or for payment of debts.
Asset Anything of value owned by a person or a firm.
The Functions of Money
• Medium of exchange
• Unit of account/standard of deferred payment
• Store of value
What Can Serve as Money? Commodity Money or Fiat Money
1 The good must be acceptable to most people.
2 It should be of standardized quality so that any two units are identical.
3 It should be durable so that value is not lost by spoilage.
4 It should be valuable relative to its weight … easily transported.
5 It should be divisible because different goods are valued differently.
How Is Money Measured in the United States Today?
M1: The Narrowest Definition of the Money Supply: Means of Payment
Measuring the Money
Supply, May 2007
M2: A Broader Definition of Money
What about Credit Cards and Debit Cards?
Money without a Government? The
Strange Case of the Iraqi Dinar
Many Iraqis continued to use currency with Saddam’s picture
on it, even after he was forced from power.
How Banks Create Money
Balance Sheet for Wachovia
Bank, December 31, 2006
Don’t Let This Happen to YOU!
Know When a Checking Account Is an Asset and When It Is a Liability
Reserves Deposits that a bank keeps as cash in its vault or on deposit with
the Federal Reserve.
Required reserves Reserves that a bank is legally required to hold, based on
its checking account deposits.
Required reserve ratio The minimum fraction of deposits banks are required
by law to keep as reserves.
Excess reserves Reserves that banks hold over and above the legal
How Banks Create Money in a Fractional Reserve Banking
System: Using T-Accounts
How Banks Create Money
Now PNC has excess
reserves and can make
a loan
How Banks Create Money:
The multiple creation of money and credit
+ 900
(= 0.9 x $1,000)
Third Bank
+ 810
(= 0.9 x $900)
Fourth Bank
+ 729
(= 0.9 x $810)
Total Change in Checking Account
Deposit multiplier The ratio of the
amount of deposits created by banks
to the amount of new reserves.
Simple deposit multiplier 
The Simple Deposit Multiplier versus the Real-World Deposit Multiplier:
People hold currency and banks hold excess reserves, slowing multiple
creation of deposits and credit
Fractional reserve banking system: banks keep less than 100 % of deposits
as reserves.
Bank run: depositors decide to withdraw money from a bank at same time
Bank panic: many banks experience runs at the same time.
The 2001 Argenine Bank Panic
The Argentine central bank was not
able to stop the bank panic of 2001.
The 2008 US Financial System
The Federal Reserve was able to stop the panic of
2008 … by pumping over $1 trillion into the financial
The Federal Reserve System: Lender of Last Resort!
Federal Reserve Districts
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
•Governors and District Presidents meet eight times a year in DC to set monetary policy
•The 7 governors and 5 of 12 Presidents vote / FRBNY President always votes
•Meet more often if necessary
The Federal Reserve System
Monetary policy The actions the Federal Reserve takes to manage the
money supply and interest rates to pursue economic objectives.
Objectives of monetary policy:
1. Price stability
2. High employment
3. Economic growth
4. Stability of financial markets and institutions
To manage the money supply, the Fed uses three monetary policy tools:
1 Open market operations
2 Discount policy
3 Reserve requirements
The Federal Reserve System
Open Market Operations: the buying and selling of Treasury securities by the
Federal Reserve in order to control the money supply.
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) The Federal Reserve committee
responsible for open market operations and managing the money supply in the
United States.
Discount Policy
Discount loans Loans the Federal Reserve makes to banks. These
loans provide banks with reserves.
Discount rate The interest rate the Federal Reserve charges on discount
Reserve Requirements
When the Fed reduces the required reserve ratio, it converts required
reserves into excess reserves.
The Federal Reserve System
Putting It All Together: Decisions of the Public, the Banks, and the Fed
Using its three tools—open market operations, the discount rate, and reserve
requirements—the Fed has substantial influence over the money supply, but
that influence is not absolute.
Two other actors—the nonbank public and banks—also influence the money
•The public can convert its deposits to currency, thus draining reserves
from banks and reducing their ability to lend and create money.
•Banks can hold excess reserves rather than lend and create money.
The Quantity Theory of Money
Connecting Money and Prices: Irving Fisher’s Quantity Equation
V = Velocity of money The average number of times each dollar in the money
supply is used to purchase goods and services included in GDP.
P xY
We can transform the quantity equation from
M xV  P x Y
Growth rate of the money supply + Growth rate of velocity
Growth rate of the price level (inflation rate) + Growth rate of real output
The Quantity Theory of Money
The growth rate of the price level is just the inflation rate
•we can rewrite the quantity equation to help us understand the factors
that determine inflation:
Inflation rate = Growth rate of the money supply
+ Growth rate of velocity
− Growth rate of real output
If velocity is constant,
Inflation rate = Growth rate of the money supply
− Growth rate of real output
• If money supply grows at a faster rate than real GDP  inflation.
• If money supply grows at a slower rate than real GDP,  deflation.
Very high rates of inflation—in excess of hundreds or thousands of percentage
points per year—are known as hyperinflation.
Economies suffering from high inflation usually also suffer from very slow
growth, if not severe recession.
Key Terms
Bank panic
Bank run
Commodity money
Discount loans
Discount rate
Excess reserves
Federal Open Market
Committee (FOMC)
Federal Reserve System
Fiat money
Fractional reserve banking
Monetary policy
Open market operations
Quantity theory of money
Required reserve ratio
Required reserves
Simple deposit multiplier
Velocity of money