Transcript Referendum

Should Scotland be an independent
Dovrebbe la Scozia essere
Est-ce que L'Ecosse devrait être un
pays indépendant?
Sollte Schottland ein unabhängiges
Land sein?
Each member of Comenius
was divided between the Yes
campaign, the No campaign
and the Management group
The Yes Campaign and No
Campaign had to research
information about their
arguments and then create a
campaign for each side.
The Management team had
to co-ordinate and organise
all the Comenius events,
including assemblies,
debates and publicity.
The Debate
Monday 30th of September
All 5th & 6th Years Attended
There were two speakers for the Yes
Campaign and the No campaign from
S5/6 who felt passionately about the
Each representative spoke for three
minutes, followed by questions from
fellow speakers and the audience.
The Debate was filmed and shown in
1st – 4th year classes.
Preparation for the Referendum
We first presented at assemblies explaining about
Comenius, and how we had decided to hold an inschool independence referendum. It was explained
who was involved and how pupils themselves could
get involved.
We researched each side of the Independence
referendum and presented this information on
posters, at assemblies and to classes so that they
could make an informed choice.
As well as the main debate for the seniors, there was
also an optional lunchtime debate where younger
pupils could learn more about the Independence
There were various opinion polls carried out in the
weeks leading up to the referendum, in order to see
how people were planning to vote.
There was lots of press and media coverage about
the work the Comenius team were doing; spreading
awareness about the Independence Referendum and
getting young people involved.
Main Issues Raised
Yes Campaign
No Campaign
We would have a stable
economy - Tourism, Oil,
Renewable Energy, Trading,
 We will no longer be a part
European Union and will have
to re-apply.
We are currently run by a
government (conservative) we
DID NOT vote for.
 It will take a long time to set
up Scottish Embassies
around the world.
Able to make decisions to suit
our economy and our needs
 Scotland will not receive the
Block Grant – £30 billion –
from Westminster
Scotland is the 8th wealthiest
Country in the world , per
capita, but the UK as a whole is
 Why risk the stable economy
we already have?
The Day of the Referendum
10th October
Entire school had a vote (S16 and Teachers, Staff)
The voting slip had the
question “Should Scotland be
an independent country?”
With a choice to tick either
'yes' or 'no'
Each class had an allocated
time to go for each pupil to
put their vote in.
The votes were counted at
the end of the day after all
votes had been taken.
The results were read out at
the end of the day for the
whole school to hear.
The Results
The votes were counted, and it was
revealed that overall the school had
voted 'No' to Independence.
There was a turnout of 900 voters – 91
percent of pupils and staff.
There were 284 'yes' votes. Making up
31.6 percent of votes.
There were 602 'no' votes. Making up
66.9 percent of votes.
1.5 percent (14) votes were
Thank you all for listening!
Merci de votre attention!
Gracie per l’ascolto!
Danke für eure Aufmerksamkeit!