Transcript Document

Social Enterprise: Fringe or
Transformation of the Mainstream?
Professor Peter Lloyd
Social Enterprise
• Estimated 55,000 in the UK accounting for 1% of
• Retail coops, mutuals and housing associations have
a combined turnover of £42 Billion;
• But the vast majority of SEs are still very small and
lacking in scale and scope;
• For most the dependency culture still dominates and
risk-averse behaviours by funders stops creative
• But it varies with geography and legacy;
A Revolution in Social Finance
• For some elements of SE there has been a revolution
in prospects;
• New social finance has seen new designs for money hybrids combining public grant, commercial loans,
equity funding and various types of philanthropic
• The “London Hub” has become a world leader in this
sort of finance - CDFIs, New Social Banking, Loan
Guarantee Funds. Mutual Credit, Private Equity Funds
exploded into Venture Philanthropy, Social Investment
Funds etc. etc.)
High profile social
enterprises and hybrids
Revenue, Loan,
Equity Finance
Sustainable Revenue Potential
SEs with Leadership, Ideas
and a sense of market
The Target Set for
Innovative Action
Intermediary Support
Small social enterprises and
more socially driven organizations
public support
and volunteering
Strong Public
Grant Aid
Loss of capacity independently
to innovate
Social Enterprise
Social Entrepreneurship
What would it take to transform things and
make a real difference?
First: Accept the Public Role but Create
a New Space
• Old-established “big players” on average 40
percent funded by the State;
• Assisted regions dominated by the grant
economy + quasi-public services (Charities);
• Capacity for SE to achieve sustainability by
selling direct services to government is
possible but no panacea (£3.6Bn Cuts)
• Need to re-envision the role of SE as a site of
enterprise, transformation and creativity;
Second: “Open the Box”
• Population of networks, and support bodies has
exploded and has become politically embedded;
• In some places a “crowded platform” with a
culture of “sector expectation” very hard to shift;
• Even the crisis is not having the necessary effect;
• Tendency still to believe that “my organisation
(sector)” cannot be allowed to fail;
• Open the door– social innovation across all
sectors – including private and public hybrids;
Third: “Get Real” about Prospects
• Over-wishful claims for SE to contribute to social
benefit outcomes at scale (Big Society etc.) ;
• The social economy rarely grows self-sustainably out
of the resources available in local communities –
especially the poorer places;
• But “Bumble bees” do fly even here in spite of the
context - the issue is to find, grow and support them;
• The crisis demands creativity and new approaches to
revenue and finance (Rochdale Pioneers);
• Leadership, social entrepreneurship, innovation and
strong but open networks the key;
Fourth: Drive for Innovation and
• The modern economy is increasingly made up of a
myriad of hybrid forms that straddle the private,
public, household and grant aid spheres;
• This is where the source of innovation and creativity
for SE lies angel networks, ideas incubators;
• Social entrepreneurship and social enterprise forms
one element but it can go much wider – a general
transformation in relations of production;
• This means shedding defensive mindsets in favour of
the objectives of transformation as well as outcomes
for “the sector” – outward and forward looking;
Beware “Isomorphism”
(tr. One Shape)
• Current emphasis on delivery vehicles – public
procurement and contracting;
• Line up and be “ready for investment”;
• Fine - BUT - delivery demands focused, efficient and
effective vehicles not necessarily creative ones;
• For many creative hybrids this solution can be limiting:
– Connecting the unconnected may be the creative act
– Multiple goals can look like “poor delivery focus”
– Orthodox “business-like” management to get “ready to invest” may
be necessary but not sufficient
– Leave space for innovation and new ideas – risk finance
• Watch the bandwagon effect if it becomes a
straightjacket or a path to insider preferment;
Social Innovation
• "Social Innovations are innovations that are
social both in their ends and in their means.
Specifically, we define social innovations as
new ideas (products, services and models)
that simultaneously meet social needs (more
effectively than alternatives) and create new
social relationships or collaborations" (Social
Innovation Europe 2012):
• “The R and D wing of the Welfare System”:
The Missing Dimension:
Capacity for Innovation and Creativity!