Transcript Slide 1

Write the question and answer using the Singapore, Inc. article
1. Name the European power that initially turned Singapore in
to a major trading port.
2. By 1860, which ethnic group comprised the largest percentage
of Singapore’s population? (and the percentage)
3. Explain what an “entrepot” is.
4. After World War II, what was the next large group of people
that migrated to Singapore?
5. How did “location” play a role ikn Singapore’s success?
6. Who was Singapore executing to keep order?
4. After World War II, what was the next large group of people
that migrated to Singapore?
5. How did “location” play a role ikn Singapore’s success?
6. Who was Singapore executing to keep order?
7. What type of an economy does Singapore have? How can you
tell it has been successful?
8. With v irtually no resources in Singapore. How did they
manage to manufacture and export so many goods?
9. Explain where the name “Singapore, Inc.” came from.
7. What type of an economy does Singapore have? How can
you tell it has been successful?
8. With virtually no resources in Singapore. How did they
manage to manufacture and export so many goods?
9. Explain where the name “Singapore, Inc.” came from.
10. Singapore has very little welfare. They focus on preparing
people for? ______________11. PSTQ. Which level does Singapore excell in and the
percentage of GDP?
12. As with many successful countries, how has that affected
their population and birth rate?