Transcript Slide 1

What Do We Know About Internet
• B.B.A. Marketing & Advanced Professional Sales Certification
from University of Houston
• 10 + years of sales and marketing experience, both tangible
and intangible products and services with industry leading
companies such as AT&T, The AFP Group, Verizon Wireless
Business to name a few
• 5 + years of print and online advertising experience also with
industry leaders Idearc Media and
Mission Statement
The mission is to promote small businesses
enabling them to reach both their financial and personal goals
in order to build our community one entrepreneur and one
very satisfied customer at a time. While emphasizing the
importance of excellent customer service, we want to send
clients your way and help you to lay the foundation of a strong
healthy business built with the most important marketing tool
available – word of mouth.
The Case for Social Networking –
Don’t Take My Word for It!
Excerpt from a 2007 press release: ….over 70% of Americans between 15-34 are
actively using social networks and that a lot of this activity occurs during 'prime-time hours',
allowing companies to make 'meaningful brand connections' with the users. Furthermore, the study
showed that social-network-based advertisements offered a return on investment which was higher
than that from other online advertising campaigns and even televised ad campaigns.
How Will We Build Your Fan Base (Prospects)
 Email Marketing Campaigns – invite your previous and prospective customers to join you on Facebook,
Twitter, Myspace, and your blog (if applicable)
Website: Recommend Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Google
Adwords, Google Adsense for site visibility; links on your website will invite people to “follow” you on
social networks
 Website “Treasure Hunts” for free items/services or discounts
General discounts and specials advertised with Facebook Pay Per Click Ads
Tips or Trends of the Day in relation to your product or service
 Ask questions: use social networks for your marketing research, let your customers tell you what they
Post pictures and videos, “how to” videos, video testimonials from former customers
Post events that your company is sponsoring
Online raffles
 And more…..
We are not trying to break the bank, we want to help!
Do you have the time?
You Why
and advertising
Do not
the knowledge?
consultation for a monthly fee this low!
Yes : then I recommend that you do.
This is NOT turn-key; we will do for you what you
No? : then
time toget
do. Bizy!
Wouldn’t you rather be selling?
What Should You Do Next?
1. Determine your advertising budget.
2. Visit
3. View the rates for Web Word Of Mouth & Choose One.
4. Call or email me to set an appointment for a Needs Analysis.
Together, we can Get Bizy Building Your Business!!
Thanks in Advance for your Trust!