ethics by hasna begum - a summary

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Transcript ethics by hasna begum - a summary

 A subfield of philosophy
 Aims to clarify the nature of
 Right and wrong
 Good and bad
 Clarifies justification of ethical ideas
 Tells us how we ought to behave
Why bother with it
 Helps us with difficult decisions / ethical dilemmas
 Helps you understand other people’s view point
 Helps you understand your own view point
Major theories
 Deontology and utilitarianism
 Four principles
 Rights based ethics
 Virtue ethics
Deontology – the science of
 The morality of an action is intrinsic to the action
itself rather than the consequences
 e.g. Killing is bad because the act of killing is wrong,
regardless of the outcome
 Any rule that applies to you should apply to everyone –
and no one should be treated as the means to an end
Utilitarianism – maximising
 People should act in a way that will bring about the
best possible outcomes overall
 “The greatest happiness of the greatest number”
 Whether an action is right or wrong depends on the
Four Principles – the Dr’s aid
 Respect for autonomy – let people decide for
 Non-maleficence – do no harm
 Beneficence – do good
 Justice – be equitable
Rights – giving people their
 People have justified claims on others and society.
 Rights can be:
 Universal (apply to everybody) eg the right to be free
 Special moral rights (apply to some and not others) eg if Peter
lends Tom money, Peter has a right to be paid by Tom
 Positive (the right to receive particular goods/services) eg to
receive free emergency health care
 Negative (the right to be free from certain actions by others)
eg to refuse immunisation
Virtue Ethics
 Focuses on the person carrying out the action rather than
the action itself
 Importance of the virtues of the individual - good character,
conscience and integrity
 Certain virtues can be attached to professional roles eg
doctor’s role
 Perceived to be good = praiseworthy
 Perceived to be bad = blameworthy
 Try putting it into practice
 Have fun!