Transcript Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Applying Moral Philosophies
to Business Ethics
Moral Philosophy…
refers to principles or rules that people use
to decide what is right or wrong
presents guidelines for determining how to
settle conflicts in human interests
guides businesspeople in formulating
strategies & resolving specific ethical issues
there is no one moral philosophy accepted
by everyone
Moral Philosophy Perspectives
– Egoism
– Utilitarianism
The Relativist Perspective
Virtue Ethics
Justice Perspectives
– Distributive
– Procedural
– Interactional
considers an act morally right or acceptable
if it produces some desired result such as
pleasure, knowledge, career growth, the
realization of a self interest, or
assesses moral worth by looking
at the consequences for the
Categories of Teleology
– right or acceptable behavior defined in terms of
consequences to the individual
– maximizes personal interests
– conduct a cost/benefit analysis
– determine behavior on the basis of principles of
rules that promote the greatest utility rather than
on an examination of each situation
focuses on the rights of the individual, not
believes in equal respect and view certain
behaviors as inherently right
individuals have certain inherent freedoms
rule deontologistconformity to general moral prinicples
act deontologistsevaluate ethicalness based on the act
The Relativist Perspective…
defines ethical behavior subjectively from the
experiences of individuals & groups
a positive group concensus indicates that an
action is considered ethical by the group
acknowledges that we live in a society in
which people have different views and many
different bases from which to justify a
decision as right or wrong.
Virtue Ethics…
what is moral in a given situation is not only
what conventional wisdom suggests, but
also what a “moral” character would deem
elements include: truthfulness, trust, self
control, empathy, & fairness
negative virtues include: lying, cheating,
fraud & corruption
Three Types of Justice…
Distributive justice-an evaluation of the
outcomes or results of a business
Procedural justice-based on the processes
and activities that produce the outcomes or
Interactional justice-based on an evaluation
of the communication processes used in
business relationships (often based on the
accuracy of information provided)