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Transcript Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is the process by which
green plants and certain other organisms create
energy. Plants collect energy from sunlight and use this
energy to make a sugar called glucose. Glucose is the
main source of nutrition for plants, fueling their cells
for function and growth.
In addition, plants use their roots to drink
up water from the soil, and that water travels from the
roots to the plant's leaves. Meanwhile, leaves absorb
carbon dioxide from the air, and the water and carbon
dioxide spread through the leaves into cells called the
palisade and spongy cells. These cells contain
structures called chloroplasts, which are filled with a
green pigment called chlorophyll–it’s chlorophyll that
gives plants their green color.
In photosynthesis, chlorophyll traps
energy from sunlight, storing it as chemical energy. The
process splits water molecules into hydrogen and
oxygen atoms, and chemical energy is used to create
glucose from the hydrogen and carbon dioxide. The
glucose dissolves into extra water molecules and gives
the plant plenty of food for growth.
Most forms of photosynthesis release
oxygen as a byproduct. So, in a way, plants breathe in
carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen! Since we do
the opposite, the cycle goes back and forth in the air!
1. Which of the following do plants
gain from sunlight?
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Energy
C. Sugar
D. Water
2. What might happen if plants
could not produce glucose?
A. They would not be green
B. They could not grow and
C. They could not absorb energy
from the sun
D. They would not have
3. Chlorophyll traps energy from
sunlight and stores it as what
kind of energy?
A. Kinetic
B. Heat
C. Color
D. Chemical
4. In photosynthesis, water
molecules are split into _______
and _______ atoms.
A. Hydrogen and oxygen
B. Sulfur and lithium
C. Carbon and nitrogen
D. Glucose and fructose
Directions for Photosynthesis Leaf:
• 5 Arrows: Write out each description. Reactants
(blue), energy (yellow), products (red).
– Reactant & sunlight arrows point INTO leaf; Product
arrows point OUT of leaf.
– CO2 (carbon dioxide) enters the leaf. Reactants go into top leaf.
– H2O (water) enters the leaf.
Sunlight goes into yellow part.
– Sunlight is trapped by chlorophyll.
– C6H12O6 (glucose) travels through leaf to be used by
Products go out of bottom leaf.
– O2 (oxygen) is released into the atmosphere.
• Leaf: Glue top leaf onto bottom ONLY up to the dotted
• Top leaf: color green
• Bottom leaf: color yellow, chloroplasts are green.
• Glue whole thing onto back of handout.