Transcript File

Marijuana is the word used to describe the
dried flowers, seeds and leaves of the Indian
hemp plant.
Marijuana is a Drug
Marijuana is classed as hallucinogen.
• a substance which distorts how the mind perceives the world you live
The chemical in marijuana that creates this
distortion is known as “THC.”
How is it used?
• Smoked
• Mixed in with
• Brewed in tea
Street Names
• Blunt
• Pot
• Weed
• Mary Jane
Short Term Effects
Sensory distortion
Poor coordination
slow reaction time
After an initial “up,” the user
feels sleepy or depressed
• Increased heartbeat
Long Term Effects
• Lower resistance to common
• Week immune system
• Destruction of lungs
• Inability to learn and retain info
• Laziness, drowsiness
• Personality and mood changes
• Inability to understand
things clearly
Marijuana's effects on the Brain
Fox News
How many teens use Marijuana?
– Marijuana is the most common illicit drug used in
the United States by teens as well as adults.
– some teens believe marijuana cannot be harmful
because it is “natural.” But not all natural plants
are good for you—take tobacco, for example.
Medical use of Marijuana?
– The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved
pills containing THC as a way to help relieve pain, nausea,
muscle stiffness, or problems with movement —
particularly for people with cancer or AIDS.
– There's still a lot of discussion about the medical use of
marijuana, though. So the THC pill is only available in some
states and requires a doctor's prescription.