BIO122H - willisworldbio

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Transcript BIO122H - willisworldbio

Explain what a plant is.
Describe what plants need to survive.
Describe how the first plants evolved.
Plants are a member of the
kingdom ________.
Plants are multicellular
_________ that have cell
walls made of ______.
They developed from multicellular embryos and carried out
photosynthesis using the green pigments _______ a and b.
Plants included trees, shrubs, grasses, ______, and ferns.
Most plants are ________, although some are parasitic or
Plants life cycles have two alternating phases, a _____ (2N)
phase and a _______ (N) phase, know as AOG.
During the two phases of the life cycle, _____ and ____ alternate
to produce the two types of reproductive cells – ______ and
The diploid phase is known as the ______, or spore-producing
The haploid phase is know as the _________, or gamete-producing
The earliest plants mosses and ferns, require ____ to reproduce.
The lives of plants center on the need for sunlight, water and
minerals, _________, and the transport of water and nutrients
throughout the plant body.
Plants use the energy from sunlight to carry on __________.
Photosynthetic organs such as leaves are typically ______ and ___
and are arranged on the stem so as to maximize light absorption.
All cells require a constant supply of _____.
As plants ______ water and nutrients (needed for plant growth).
Plants use both Oxygen and ________________.
Plants take up water and minerals through their _____ but make
food in their _______.
For most of Earth’s history, plants did not exist.
Life was concentrated in the _______.
The first plants evolved from an
organism much like the
multicellular green _____ living
Green algae have a _______
cycle similar to plants
They also have cell ____ with
photosynthetic ______ that are
identical to those plants.
___ sequences confirm that plants are closely related to certain
groups of green algae.
The ancestors of the first plants were algae.
The ______ known plant fossil is about 450 myo.
_______ divide the plant kingdom into ____ groups based on
three important features: water-conducting tissues, seeds and
1. Mosses
2. Ferns
3. Cone-bearing
4. Flowering.
Describe the adaptations of bryophytes.
Identify the three groups of bryophytes.
Explain how bryophytes reproduce.
Mosses and their relatives are generally called _________.
Bryophytes have life cycles that depend on ___ for reproduction.
Lacking ______ tissue (transports water and nutrients internally),
these plants can draw up water by _______ only a few
centimeters above the ground.
During at least one stage of their life cycle, bryophytes produces
____ that must swim through water to reach the ____ of another
The most recognizable feature of bryophytes is that they are lowgrowing plants that can be found in ____, shaded areas.
Where water is in regular supply – in habitats from the ____
regions to the ______ – these plants thrive.
________ are the most common bryophyte (phylum bryophyta).
The leaves of mosses are only ___ cell thick.
They have no vascular tissue.
Instead of roots they have ________ (long, thin cells that hold them
to the ground and absorb water an minerals from the soil).
_____ belong to the phylum
They resemble the shape of a
The structures that look like
umbrellas, carry the structures
that produce eggs and sperm.
Some liverworts reproduce
______ by means of gemmae.
Gemmae are small _________
reproductive structures.
When the gemmae is produced
and loosed, it divides by mitosis.
_______ are members of the phylum
The ________- looks like the
The ______ looks like tiny green
For _________ to occur, the
sperm must swim to an egg.
When a spore lands in a
moist place, it germinates
and grows into amass of
tangled green filaments
called _______.
The _________ forms
Gametes are formed in reproductive structures at the ____ of the
Sperm with whip like tails are produced in the _______, and egg
cells are produced in _______.
Explain how vascular tissue is important to
ferns and their relatives.
Describe the three phyla of spore-bearing
Identify the stages in the life cycle of ferns.
Fossil evidence shows that mosslike
plants were the first to have a
transport system with ____________
The first vascular plants had a new
cell that was specialized to conduct
_______ were one of the great evolutionary innovation of plants.
Tracheids are the key cells in the ____, a transport subsystem that
carries water upward from the roots to the plant
Tracheids are _____ cells with thick cell walls.
They are connected end to end like a series of drinking straws.
Vascular plants have a
second transport
subsystem composed
of vascular tissue
called _____.
Both forms of vascular tissue-xylem and phloem-can move fluids
through the plant body, even against the force of ____.
____ is a substance that makes cells walls rigid.
Ligin enables vascular plants to grow upright.
Ferns are members of the
phylum __________.
More than 11,000 species of
ferns are living today.
Ferns have true vascular tissue,
strong roots, and underground
stems called rhizomes, and
large leaves called ____.
Ferns thrive in wet habitats.
Some species grow as large as
____ in the rainforest.
Ferns and other vascular plants
have a life cycle in which the
diploid sporophyte is the
_____ stage.
These sporophytes develop
haploid spores on the
underside of their fronds in
containers called ______.
Sporangia are group into
clusters called ____.
Describe the reproductive adaptations of
seed plants.
Describe the evolution of seed plants.
Identify the four groups of gymnosperms.
_________ bear their seeds
directly on the surfaces of
Gymnosperms included the
_____, pines and spruces, as
well a palmlike plants called
cycads and ginkgoes.
_______, flowering plants, bear
there seeds within a layer of
tissue that protects the seed.
Angiosperms include grasses,
flowering trees and shrubs, and
all wildflowers and cultivated
species of flowers.
The gametophyte of seed plants grow and mature within
sporophyte structures called ____.
Cones are the seed-bearing structures of gymnosperms.
In seed plants, the entire _____
gametophyte is contained in a tiny
structure called a _____.
The transfer of pollen from the male
reproductive structure to the female
reproductive structures is called
A ____ is an embryo of a plant that is encased in a protective
covering and surrounded by a food supply.
An ______ is an organism in its early stage of development.
The seed ____ surrounds and protects the embryo and keeps the
contents from _______ out.
Gynosperms include gnetophytes, cycads, ginkgoes, and conifers.
Angiosperms develop unique reproductive organs known as ______.
Angiosperm means _____ seed.
After pollination the ____ develops into a fruit, which protects the seed
and aids in its dispersal.
When animals eat the fruit they carry them away and are distributed
through their _____.
There are two classes of angiosperms: the ___________ (monocots),
and the _______ (dicots).
They are named for their number of seed leaves, or ______, in the plant
Monocots have ___ seed leaf, and a ___ has two.
------- is the first leaf or the first pair of leaves produced by the embryo of
a seed plant.
_________ complete their life cycle within one growing season.
_________ complete their life cycle with two growing seasons.
__________ live for more than two year.