δ13C Variation from Plants to Soil

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δ C
Variation from
Plants to Soil
Jonathan Harris
δ C
within Plants and Soil
C3 Plants
depleted ~
21 – 30 per mil
C4 Plants
depleted ~
10 – 15 per mil
Plants at Prarie Ridge, NC
Current Plot currently dominated by bermuda
grass, a C4 grass.
Historically maintained as a cow pasture
dominated by fescue, with some orchard grass,
both C3 grasses.
Area underwent manipulation starting 2 years
The Plant to Soil Transition
How δ13C changes from plant to soil
Disequilibrium factor
Difference in atmospheric CO2 between time of soil
carbon production and current plant utilized CO2
 Modern CO2 averages -8 per mil while 30-100 years ago
CO2 averaged -6.5 per mil.
Decomposition is likely not a factor
How δ
changes with depth
Many studies have
indicated that δ 13C
becomes enriched with
(Nisselbaum et. al 1974, Deines 1980, Ehleringer et.
al 2000)
Also that soil organic
matter decreases in size
and amount with depth.
What causes this?
4 hypotheses from Ehleringer et. al 2000
Atmospheric CO2 change over time
 Microbial fractionation during decomposition
 Preferential microbial decomposition of litter
 Mixing of C in the soil
Plant δ
Relative to Surface
The mean δ 13C of all the plant samples
collected was -22.21 per mil
The mean δ 13C of all the surface soil samples
(PRP-5,7) was -19.33
Clearly an enrichment has occurred from just
the transition of living plant material to soil
organic matter.
change in the Soil Profile
Ignoring the isotopic values or large size plant
fragments removed from soil the δ 13C changed
as follows
O horizon -19.05 per mil
 A horizon -18.83 per mil
 Ap horizon -15.76 per mil
 B horizon -22.94 per mil
Do our results match the model?
All of the data collected matched the idea of
soil organic matter becomes enriched in δ 13C
with an increase in depth.
The one exception was the B horizon which in
both samples showed a more depleted δ 13C
than any other soil.
δ 13C decreases with soil depth at Prairie Ridge,
Likely a combination of processes
Soil mixing
 Disequilibrium effect
A great deal of information can be learned from
this site if coupled with a definite time of
transition from C3 to C4 dominated.
Balesdent et. al, 1993. Site-related δ13C of Tree Leaves and Soil Organic
Matter in a Temperate Forest. Ecology 74: 1713-1721.
Ehleringer et. al, 2000. Carbon Isotope Ratios in Belowground Carbon Cycle
Processes. Ecological Application 10: 412–422.
Keyworth, Amy J. An Investigation into the Fate of Carbon, Nitrogen, and
their Isotopes in a Former Cow Pasture in the Piedmont Region of North
Yamakura,T. and Sahunalu, P. 1990. Soil Carbon/nitrogen Ratio as a Site
Quality Index for Some South-east Aasian Forests. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 6: