Transcript Climate

Climate of Colombia
• The Climate of Colombia is characterized for
being tropical and isothermal as a result of its
geographical location near the Equator
presenting variations within five natural
regions and depending on the altitude,
temperature, humidity, winds and rainfall.
temperature throughout the year only
precipitation during a rainy season caused by
the Intertropical Convergence Zone
Factors affecting the climate
• Factors of the climate are the constant
conditions that modify the climate.
• The geographical factors are determined by
latitude , altitude, water masses and relief
Latitude is the angular measurement in degrees of the
distance from the equator to any location on the Earth.
Depending on the latitude of a location determines the
amount of sunlight that a location receives.
The higher your latitude the less sunlight you will receive
throughout the year, and the cooler will be your climate.
Colombia is crossed by the equator in its southern part, but
the majority of the territory is part of the northern
hemisphere and within the torrid zone which is characterized
for receiving direct sunlight throughout the year, in
consequence this zone is the hottest of the earth.
altitude is commonly used to mean the height above sea level of a
A considerable area of Colombia is mountainous, mainly crossed
by the Andes mountain range from south to north. Altitude in
this mountains counter rest the effects of the latitude
characteristics producing gradual variable climates from tropical
foothills and coastlines to perpetual snow peaks. In Colombia
these are classified as "thermal floors" (Spanish: Pisos térmicos).
Water Masses and relief.
Colombia is also bordered by two massive oceans, the Pacific and the
Atlantic (through the Caribbean) which force the humid winds to
pass over Colombia with humidity and rainfall that is contained by
the Andes and other mountain ranges, that is the case of Lloró in
Chocó Department which is one of the rainiest lowlands in the
The contrary occurs with the trade winds from the northeast that
also crosses Colombia penetrating without any mountainous ranges
the valleys of the Magdalena and Cauca rivers, and also the trade
winds from the southeast that cover the Amazon region only
blocked by the Andes mountains. In the case of the Guajira
Peninsula plains, the trade winds are unable to be stopped (despite
having a low altitude range of mountains; the Serranía de Macuira
and continue traveling inland towards Colombia's central regions, for
this reason the Guajira area present a dry climate and produced the
Guajira desert
Elements affecting the climate
• climatic elements are conditions that are part of
the climatic characteristics of a place. These are
not stable because they can change when
interacting with other elements or climate
• The elements that affect the climate are:
Atmospheric Pressure
Is relatively average throughout the year in a same place. The
tropical location of Colombia and the uniform solar radiation
for being in the equator gives this country an almost constant
temperature. The atmosphere varies due to the altitude in
the mountains and its proximity to sea level.
Humidity is a term for the amount of water vapor in air. In
Colombia is diverse and is characteristic of each region and
subregion. Humidity is produced by the action of Sun
because its energy evaporates the water of rivers, lakes and
The Pacific, Amazon and Orinoquía regions are the rainiest
and the lowest and dries are in the northern part of the
Caribbean region, in Uribia, Guajira in the Guajira desert.
Are produced by differences between atmospheric pressure
and temperature.
In the case of Colombia, the winds that have the greatest
influence on its climate are the trade winds.
Trade winds from the northeast carry humidity to the region
south of the equator and also carry rain to the rest of the
country while the trade winds from the southeast carry
humidity and heat to the northern hemisphere side of
Colombia also, The winds coming from the Pacific Ocean
modify the climate along the western coast of Colombia
producing abundant precipitation year rounds
Atmospheric preassure
• Air pressure is the force exerted on you by the weight of tiny
particles of air (air molecules). Although air molecules are
invisible, they still have weight and take up space. Since
there's a lot of "empty" space between air molecules, air can
be compressed to fit in a smaller volume.
• Water droplets form from air. As the warm air rises in the sky
it cools. Water vapor (invisible water in the air) always exists
in our air. Warm air holds quite a bit of water.
• When enough of these droplets collect together, we see them
as clouds. If the clouds are big enough and have enough
water droplets, the droplets bang together and form even
bigger drops. When the drops get heavy, they fall because of
gravity, and you see and feel rain.
Conformed by
Water masses
Atmospheric pressure
• Write T for true statements and F for false.
1. Elements of the climate are the constant
conditions that modify the climate. (
2. Latitude is the angular measurement of the
distance from the equator to any location
on the Earth. (
3. Depending on the humidity of a location
determines the amount of sunlight that a
location receives. (
4. The tropical location of Colombia and the
uniform solar radiation for being in the
equator gives this country an almost
constant temperature.
• Complete the following chart using the words in the box.
Rain, Relief , Climate , Humidity, Water masses, Factors, Winds,
Latitude , Elements , Atmospheric pressure , Altitude, Temperature
• Mountain climate is one of the unique
features of the Andes, the Sierra
Nevada de Santa
Marta and other high
altitude landform
climate is determined
by elevation. These
variations in climate
depending on its
altitude are called
thermal floors
(Spanish: Pisos
termicos), a classification used in some
countries but with variations in the
classification of each floor.
Warm climate thermal floor
The warm thermal floor
oscillate between sea level and
1,000 meters (3,281 ft) above sea
level with a temperature over
24 °C (75.2 °F). Climate in this
step is characterized for its
similarities with the equatorial
and tropical plains, heavy rains
and high temperatures.
Temperatures can reach over
29 °C (84.2 °F) as it is the case of
the Magdalena river valley,
which has many areas with
jungles. This thermal floor is
present in the cities like Santa
Marta, Neiva, Cali and Cucuta.
Temperate climate thermal
Between 1,000 and 2,000
meters (3,281 and 6,562 ft)
above sea level the
temperature drops
oscillating between 17 and 22
°C (62.6 and 71.6 °F) defining
it as a temperate climate.
Rainfall becomes variable at
1,700 meters (5,577 ft) above
sea level and rains between
2,000 and 2,500 mm (78.7 and
98.4 in) . This climate is a
characteristic in the cities
like Pereira, Armenia,
Ibague Popayán and
Cold climate thermal floor
The cold climate is present
between 2,000 and 3,000
meters (6,562 and 9,843 ft)
above sea level and is
characterized for having
Andean or cloud forests.
This thermal floor is
characterized for presenting
an average temperature
ranging between 10 and 17
°C (50 and 62.6 °F) while
rainfall reaches a yearly
average of 2,000 mm
(78.7 in).
The Colombian capital city
Bogotá is located within this
thermal floor. Other cities
like San Juan de Pasto and
Tunja are in this location.
A not so common Hailstorm in
Bogotá on March 3, 2006
product of a combination of
altitude (low temperature at
2600 meters over sea level)
and precipitation.
Paramo climate thermal floor The
Páramo climate is present
between 3,000 and 4,000 meters
(9,843 and 13,123 ft) above sea
level and the temperature is
lower than 10 °C (50 °F) with icy
winds, rare rainfall but frequent
snowfall. Colombia has one of
the largest páramo areas in the
world; the Páramo of Sumapaz
located in central Colombia,
over the Andean Cordillera
Oriental Branch. I
In Colombia páramos are further
classified as subpáramo, páramo
and superpáramo. Most of the
rivers in Colombia are born here
since páramos tend to hold
water from precipitations and
deglaciations coming from the
Glacial climate thermal floor
The glaciers in Colombia are
located at 4,000 meters
(13,123 ft) above sea level and
up and with average
temperatures ranging
between 10 °C (50 °F) and
less. Glaciers in Colombia
began retreating in the 20th
century due to global
warming and are in danger of
disappearing, if this occurs
water supply would be scarce
in the near future. Most of
the glaciers are located in
the Andes mountains and
are inhabited by very few
living species due to its sever